----------------------------- Real Bout Fatal Fury: Special ----------------------------- ------------ A Must Read: ------------ This F.A.Q. was made to give the Neo Geo (Arcade or CD) freaks a good F.A.Q. for the combination attacks. I will try to make the combos as easy to read as possible. I am not using my own PC so I do not have the Mook with them. I will go with the ABs. this time (except Geese). Most of the F.A.Qs here are not complete. I did not expect anything less since the game has many hidden things. Even O-Neill's F.A.Q. is 75% complete by far. So, I had to do the other way. Most of the combos you see are from me and the Gamest (called Arcadia now). I will cover almost everything and not leave you with any question to ask, so read throughly PLEASE! To make the long story short, do not complain about ANYTHING in the F.A.Q. unless you are "somebody." There is no wrong combos or what-so-ever. The combos were proven by high level Japanese players and can be bought anytime you want. The added ones (new) are proven by anyone that knows me since it was recorded and MANY saw the tape. Everything 100% works wether you like it or not. If you really insist on anything then come out of your cave and buy the Gamest Video. Thank you! ^_^ ======================================================= I do not have the time to write everything in short (which I hate pretty much because it confuses me), so I will write something instead. It goes as follows: 1- Super Move refers to supers that can be performed with only the S. Power. If the character has more than one Super Move (not Power Move as in P. Power), then I will explain. - 2- Power Move refers to supers that can be performed with only the P. Power. If the character has more than one Power Move (not Super Move as in S. Power), then I will explain. - 3- => ~ <= this means hold. Example <== ~ ==> means hold backward then do forward + anything to perform the move. - 4- Pursue Attacks will be used instead of down + whatever. - 5- 2nd Plane or Plane Attacks will be used instead of go to the 2nd Plane and do this or that Plane Attack. - 6- When I say "Glitch" in the start of any of Sokaku's combos, it means do QCF + A and do not let it hit the opponent. Which means knockdown the opponent with a crouching C, then connect it to QCF + A. That way it will not hit the opponent and you can continue with the combo you want to do. ======================================================= Name: Terry Bogard ------------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching Ax4, standing A, B, C, <== C, <== ==> ==> + A, down ~ upward + A - 2)Opponent knocked, QCF + C, crouching Ax2, standing A, B, C, <== C, <== ==> ==> + A, {forward, down, down-forward + B} (corner) ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, <== ==> ==> A, Power Move - 4)Jump A, B, C, (A must be hit right when you jump), crouching A, B, down-forward C, Power Move (on Krauser) ======================================================= Name: Andy Bogard ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, standing C (two hits), {down-backward, forward + A}, {down-backward, forward + C} - 2)Jump B, C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, HCB + C - 3)Jump C, crouching Bx2, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + C} - 4)Jump C, crouching A, B, down-forward C, HCF + B ============= Super Combos: ============= 5)Jump B, C, down-forward A, Super Move - 6)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Power Move, Pursue Attack ======================================================= Name: Ex. Andy Bogard --------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching Ax2, B, down-forward C, {backward, down, down-backward + B}, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, {down-backward, forward + C}, Pursue Attack - 3)Jump C, down-forward A, Cx3, {backward, down, down-backward + B} ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump B, C, down-forward A, Super Move, Pursue Attack - 5)Jump C, crouching Ax3, B, down-forward C, Super Move, Pursue Attack - 6)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Power Move, Pursue Attack ======================================================= Name: Mai Shiranui ------------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump B, C, ==> A, B, down-forward C, HCF + C - 2)Jump C, standing C (two hits), C, C, down + AB. - 3)Throw backward, HCF + C - 4)Jump B, C, crouching Ax6, ==> B, C, <== C, HCB + C repeatedly ============= Super Combos: ============= 5)Jump B, C, standing C, Super Move - 6)Jump B, C, crouching Ax6, ==> B, C, <== C, Super Move ======================================================= Name: Duck King --------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C (a bit far and right away), jump C, QCB + A, standing Ax3, B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, standing C (two hits), QCF + C, QCF + C ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump C, standing C, {Power Move then forward, down-forward, down + BC} - 4)Jump C, standing C, {Power Move then QCB + BC} - 5)Power Move ~ Deadly Dance (not mentioned in any movelist F.A.Q.) ======================================================= Name: Tung Fu Rue ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, QCB + C - 2)Jump C, standing C (two hits), down-backward ~ forward + C ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, Power Move ~ then release... reach 17 hit at the end - 4)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Super Move (Kim's stage, 2nd plane) ======================================================= Name: Ex. Tung Fu Rue ------------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, standing C (two hits), tap A repeatedly (corner) - 2)Knockdown opponent, tap A repeatedly, standing C, tap A repeatedly (corner) - 3)Knockdown opponent, tap A repeatedly, standing C (two hits), QCB + A (corner) ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump C, standing C (two hits), Power Wave (corner) - 5)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Super Move (Kim's stage, 2nd plane, corner) - 6)Knockdown opponent, tap A repeatedly, crouching B, Super Move (corner) ======================================================= Name: Bob Wilson ---------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, standing Cx4, QCB + B (a bit near the corner) - 2)Jump C, standing Cx4, QCB + C, Pursue Attack - 3)Jump C, standing Cx4, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump B, C, crouching Bx3, standing B, down-forward C, Power Move (C right before he finishes), Pursue Attack - 5)Jump B, C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Super Move - 6)Jump C, standing Cx4, Super Move ======================================================= Name: Sokaku Mochizuki ---------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, standing Cx4, downx2 + Cx3 (follow-up), {forward, down, down-forward + B, Pursue Attack (corner) - 2)Jump B, C, ==> A, B, C, QCB + D, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack - 3)Glitch, command throw (short, backward, down-backward, down, upward + C), ==> <== ==> + C, standing Bx2, ==> C, QCB + D, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack - 4)Glitch, jump C, standing C (one hit), ==> <== ==> + C, dash, standing Cx3, downx2 + Cx3, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack (corner) - 5)2nd Plane, glitch, standing C, ==> <== ==> + C, dash, B, B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack - 6)Standing Cx3, tap A repeatedly (then cancel), ==> A, B, C, QCB + D, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack (corner) - 7)Glitch, jump C, standing C (one hit), ==> <== ==> + C, dash, standing Cx3, tap A repeatedly (finish it), {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack (corner) - 8)2nd Plane, glitch, standing C, ==> <== ==> + C, tap A repeatedly (finish it), Pursue Attack ============= Super Combos: ============= 9)Glitch, command throw, Super Move ======================================================= Name: Billy Kane ---------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, QCB + B - 2)Jump C, standing C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 3)Jump B, C, crouching A, <== C (three hits), <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 4)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 5)Far C, standing C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 6)Far C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, QCB + B - 7)2nd Plane (Billy's stage), standing C, HCF + B (corner) ============= Super Combos: ============= 8)2nd Plane, standing C, Super Move - 9)2nd Plane with opponent (Billy's stage), Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, Super Move (corner) ======================================================= Name: Ex. Billy Kane -------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching Cx2, HCB + C, <== ==> A, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, standing B, ==> C (three hits), tap A repeatedly - 3)Jump B, C, crouching A, <== C (three hits), <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 4)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 5)Far C, standing C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> C, Pursue Attack - 6)2nd Plane (Billy's stage), standing C, HCF + B (corner) ============= Super Combos: ============= 7)2nd Plane, standing C, Super Move - 8)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Power Move, Pursue Attack - 9)2nd Plane with opponent (Billy's stage), Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, Super Move (corner) - 10)Far C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Power Move ======================================================= Name: Wolfgang Krauser ---------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C (down C), standing A, C, QCF + B, Pursue Attack - 2)HCF + A, C, C, HCF + C (RIGHT AWAY), Pursue Attack - 3)Jump C, standing A, C, QCB + C - 4)Jump C, standing A, crouching B, C ============= Super Combos: ============= 5)Jump C, standing Cx2, Power Wave (Deadly Rave, finish it with HCF + AC) ======================================================= Name: Laurence Blood -------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, QCF + C, QCB + A (RIGHT AWAY) - 2)Jump C, standing CX4, <== ~ ==> + C - 3)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, <== ~ ==> + A ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump B, C (two hits), ==> A, B, C, <== C, Super Move ======================================================= Name: Jin Chonrei ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching B, ==> B, C, <== C, ==> ==> + A - 2)Jump C, standing Cx3, HCB + C - 3)Cross C, standing C (two hits), {forward, down, down-forward + C} ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump C, dash, standing A, crouching Bx3, standing A, C, ==> ==> A ======================================================= Name: Jin Chonshu ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching Bx2, standing Bx2, standing C, {forward, down, down-forward + C} - 2)Jump C, standing Cx3, HCB + C, dash, {forward, down, down-forward + C} - 3)Jump C, standing A, B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + C} ======================================================= Name: Hon Fu ------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching B, standing B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + C}, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, crouching Bx2, C, {down-backward ~ forward + B} - 3)2nd Plane, C, HCF + C ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump C, crouching Ax3, ==> B, C, <== C, Super Move, HCB + C (follow-up before the finishing move), Pursue Attack - 5)Jump B, C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Power Move ======================================================= Name: Ryuji Yamazaki -------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, down-forward A, Cx4, {forward, down, down-forward + A}, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump B, C, standing C (two hits), QCB + B ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump B, C, dash, standing Ax4, standing B, down-forward C, Super Move, Pursue Attack - 4)2nd Plane, standing C, QCB + C, D (cancel), A, C, Super Move (Blood's stage, corner), Pursue Attack ======================================================= Name: Blue Mary --------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump B, C, standing C (two hits), <== ~ ==> + B, <== ==> + B, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, standing A, crouching A, standing B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, {forward, down, down-forward + B} - 3)<== ~ ==> + B, <== ==> + B, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, {forward, down, down-forward + B} ======================================================= Name: Ex. Blue Mary ------------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump B, C, crouching C, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, {forward, down, down-forward + C}, Pursue Attack - 2)Jump C, standing C (two hits), <== ==> + B (and again), Pursue Attack ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump B, C, standing C (two hits), Power Move ======================================================= Name: Franco Bash ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, standing Cx4, {QCF, up-forward + B) - 2)Jump C, standing Cx4, QCF + D, far A, C, down-forward ~ forward + C (try this heroes... VERY nice one) ============= Super Combos: ============= 3)Jump C, standing Cx4, Super Move ======================================================= Name: Kim Kaphwan ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching B, down-forward B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + A} - 2)Knockdown opponent, far C (second hit), Ax3, B, ==> C, <== C, QCB + B - 3)Jump A, down + B, down-forward B (follow-up, and opponent crouching) ============= Super Combos: ============= 4)Jump B, C, standing C (two hits), Power Move ======================================================= Name: Cheng Sinzan ------------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, crouching B, standing B, down-forward C, QCF + A - 2){Forward, down, down-forward + A}, QCF + A (corner and you are a bit far) - 3){Forward, down, down-forward + A}, hop C, standing A, crouching B, down-forward C, {Forward, down, down-forward + A} (corner and you are a bit far) - 4){Forward, down, down-forward + A}, <== ~ ==> B (you are a bit far) ======================================================= Name: Joe Higashi ----------- ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, {down-backward, forward + C} - 2)Jump C, standing B, Cx3, {forward, down, down-forward + C}, down C (follow-up) - 3)Jump C, standing B, Cx5, {forward, down, down-forward + B} - 4)Jump C, standing A, C, {down-backward, forward + B}, {forward, down, down-forward + B} - 5)Down-forward C (throw), {forward, down, down-forward + B} ============= Super Combos: ============= 6)Jump C, ==> A, B, down-forward C, Power Move ======================================================= Name: Geese Howard ------------ ============== Normal Combos: ============== 1)Jump C, distance C - 2)Jump C, Double Shippu Ken - 3)Jump C, standing C, Reppu Ken - 4)Jump C, down-forward A, Get Lost, down C, Divine Punishment - 5)Jump C, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Divine Punishment - 6)Jump C, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken - 7)Jump Shippu Ken, Double Reppu Ken - 8)Jump C, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment - 9)Jump C, crouching A, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Divine Punishment - 10)Jump C, crouching A, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment - 11)Jump C, standing A, B, down/forward A, Divine Punishment - 12)Jump C, standing A, B, crouching C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 13)Jump A, B, backward B - 14)Shippu Ken, Reppu Ken - 15)Standing C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 16)Standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be in the background) - 17)Standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment (opponent must be in the background) - 18)Standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divin Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 19)Standing C, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 20)Jump C, standing A, B, backward C, Divine Punishment - 21)Evil Shadow Smasher, Divine Punishment (let the opponent jump then hit him with the E.S.S.) - 22)Jump up C, Get Lost - 23)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, crouching A, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divin Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 24)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, crouching A, standing C, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 25)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, crouching A, standing C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 26)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken - 27)Jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment - 28)Jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken - 29)Jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment) - 30)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divin Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 31)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, forward A, B, C, backward C, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 32)Shippu Ken, jump again and fast Shippu Ken, forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 33)Shippu Ken, jump C, forward A, B, backward C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 34)Shippu Ken, jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divin Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 35)Shippu Ken, jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 36)Shippu Ken, jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) ============= Super Combos: ============= 37)Jump up Shippu Ken, Raising Strom, Divine Punishment (Opponent must be cornered) - 38)Backward C, Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment (opponent must be in the background) - 39)Jump C, standing C, Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment - 40)Jump A, B, crouching A, standing C, Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment - 41)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment - 42)Shippu Ken, jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 38)Backward C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), standing C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 39)Jump C, standing C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), crouching A, standing C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment - 40)Jump A, B, crouching A, standing C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), Double Reppu Ken - 41)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), Evil shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken - 42)Shippu Ken, jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), down/forward C, Get Lost, down C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 43)Shippu Ken, jump C, crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until ninth hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 44)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment - 45)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken - 46)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment - 47)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Double Reppu Ken - 48)Jump C, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken - 49)Standing C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 50)Standing C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 51)Standing C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be in the background) - 52)Standing C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken (opponent must be in the background) - 53)Standing C, Deadly Rave (until the third hit, stop), forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment (opponent must be in the background) - 54)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment - 55)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Double Shippu Ken - 56)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment - 57)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), crouching B, forward B, C, backward C, Double Reppu Ken - 58)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Reppu Ken - 59)Shippu Ken, jump, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 60)Shippu Ken, again jump fast Shippu Ken, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher + C, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 61)Jump C, A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher, Shippu Ken (double A), Divine Punishment - 62)Raising Storm, Divine Punishment (opponent must be cornered) - 63)Thunder Break, Divine Punishment (let the opponent hit it in the end of it) - 64)Deadly Rave, Divine Punishment P.S. The combination attacks No. 59 and 61 are full power (full damage). Once you do any of them, the opponent will painfully die... even if the opponent is Geese the CPU. ======================================================= ------------ W.B. Combos: ------------ Now, he will write the combos that break the walls (make the opponent dizzy). Which means all of them in corner: Name: Terry Bogard ------------ ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching A, ==> A, B, C, <== C, {forward, down, down-forward + B} ======================================================= Name: Andy Bogard ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax4, ==> B, C, <== C, {down-backward, forward + C}, {down-backward, forward + C} ======================================================= Name: Mai Shiranui ------------ ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax2, ==> B, C, <== C, HCF + C ======================================================= Name: Duck King --------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Ax4, B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + B} ======================================================= Name: Tung Fu Rue ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax3, ==> B, C, <== C, {forward, down, down-forward + B} ======================================================= Name: Ex. Tung Fu Rue ------------ ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax3, ==> B, C, <== C, Power Move ======================================================= Name: Bob Wilson ---------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax4, ==> B, down-forward C, {forward, down, down-forward + B}, Pursue Attack ======================================================= Name: Sokaku Mochizuki ---------------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Cx3, ==> <== ==> + C, Pursue Attack ======================================================= Name: Billy Kane ---------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing B (thrww hits), ==> B, C, <== C, <== ~ ==> A, <== ==> + C ======================================================= Name: Ex. Billy Kane -------------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing B (thrww hits), ==> B, C, <== C, tap A repeatedly ======================================================= Name: Wolfgang Krauser ---------------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Cx3, HCF + C ======================================================= Name: Laurence Blood -------------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C (two hits), standing A, C (two hits), QCF + A, QCF + A, QCF + A ======================================================= Name: Jin Chonrei ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax5, ==> A, C, ==> ==> + A ======================================================= Name: Jin Chonshu ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Cx3, HCB + C, {forward, down, down-forward + C} ======================================================= Name: Hon Fu ------ ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching A, ==> A, B, C, <== C, QCB + B ======================================================= Name: Ryuji Yamazaki -------------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Ax5, ==> C, {forward, down, down-forward + A} ======================================================= Name: Blue Mary --------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Ax5, <== B, C, <== ~ ==> + B, <== ==> + B ======================================================= Name: Franco Bash ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Cx4, down-backward ~ forward + C ======================================================= Name: Kim Kaphwan ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, standing Cx2, B, ==> C, <== C, QCB + C ======================================================= Name: Joe Higashi ----------- ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== Jump C, crouching Ax2, ==> B, C, <== C, {down-backward, forward + C} ======================================================= Name: Geese Howard ------------ ============================== Knockout Combo (Wall Breaker): ============================== 1)Jump C (two hits), crouching Ax3, ==> B, C, <== C, Evil Shadow Smasher + B - 2)Jump C, ==> A, B, C, <== C, Deadly Rave (until the ninth hit, stop), A, A, forward A, B, C, backward C, Evil Shadow Smasher ======================================================= ----------- Tournament: ----------- The tournament was made by Gamest back then and it was split into six teams. Each team fights the other and so on. It went like this: A Team ====== 1- Franco Bash (Wilderkei) - Won (3) Lost (2) 2- Kim Kaphwan (Shakkin) - Won (1) Lost (2) 3- Jin Chonshu (Coffee Freak) - Won (2) Lost (2) 4- Hon-Fu (Shakkin) - Won (1) Lost (1) B Team ====== 1- Ex. Blue Mary (MOMO) - Won (2) Lost (1) 2- Duck King (Chu) - Won (4) Lost (1) 3- Ryuji Yamazaki (Hammer) - Won (3) Lost (2) 4- Blue Mary (MOMO) - Won (0) Lost (2) C Team ====== 1- Mai Shiranui (KKY-Inarin) - Won (3) Lost (2) 2- Joe Higashi (Pig) - Won (2) Lost (0) 3- Laurence Blood (Jackey*SASAOKA) - Won (3) Lost (2) 4- Jin Chonrei (Pig) - Won (1) Lost (2) D Team ====== 1- Andy Bogard (FRS-N.O) - Won (1) Lost (4) 2- Ex. Andy Bogard (FRS-N.O) - Won (1) Lost (4) 3- Wolfgang Krauser (FRS-N.O) - Won (3) Lost (2) E Team ====== 1- Ex. Tung Fu Rue (MVP) - Won (1) Lost (2) 2- Tung Fu Rue (MVP) - Won (2) Lost (3) 3- Billy Kane (MVP) - Won (2) Lost (2) 4- Ex. Billy Kane (MVP) - Won (1) Lost (2) F Team ====== 1- Cheng Sinzan (P. Suzuki) - Won (1) Lost (1) 2- Sokaku Mochizuki (P. Suzuki) - Won (3) Lost (2) 3- Terry Bogard (P. Suzuki) - Won (3) Lost (1) 4- Bob Wilson (P. Suzuki) - Won (2) Lost (2) P.S. Some of Geese's combos and such were by P. Suzuki and Chu ------------ Final Fight: ------------ The Final Fight was F Team Vs. C Team. Chonrei (C) won against Sokaku (F) and Bob (F) won against Mai (C). So, the Final Match was between Terry (F) against Laurence (C): Terry Bogard Vs. Laurence Blood Winner: ******* F Team Terry Bogard -------- Comment: -------- The match was fast and really good. Blood tried to trick Terry, but when Terry defended, he countered with a Break Shot (cancel attack) and won. It was either you or me... if Terry did not defend the trick, he would have lost. Tournament Winner: ****************** 1- Cheng Sinzan 2- Sokaku Mochizuki 3- Terry Bogard 4- Bob Wilson All of F Team were used by P. Suzuki. So, he is the only winner. ======================================================= ------ Ranks: ------ Top best three characters in the game are (excluding Geese): 1- Billy Kane 2- Wolfgang Krauser 3- Terry Bogard Hardest characters to use (as in use and mind games to win): 1- Cheng Sinzan 2- Duck King 3- Ryuji Yamazaki ======================================================= --------------- Last Word: --------------- There you go, heroes. I will add MANY other combos once I get my tape back from my friends. Respect the hard work... The Gamest (Arcadia nowadays) is one of the best and finest game company out there (as in a company that provides everything useful for the gamers... like books, movelists, combo/match-up/tournament videos and so on). Be sure to buy it. It comes close to Samurai Spirits 2 and Street Fighter: Turbo finest Gamest videos (worst ones K.O.F'2000 *yawns* & Street Fighter: Zero *YAWNS BIG TIME*). Best tournament ever is Virtua Fighter 3 tournament. Biggest and best one ever. Every good player was there (Japanese, Korean and some other players)... the matches were really high level. Anyway, enough with it. Hope I helped in any way. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)To SNK for this great game. 2)To Gamefaqs 3)To all my friends for the encouragement. 4)To Gamest (Arcadia) 5)To P. Suzuki (Big Suzuki) 6)To Wilderkei 7)To Shakkin 8)To Coffee Freak 9)To Chu (AMAZING Duck King & Samurai Spirits 4 SKILLS) 10)To Hammer 11)To MOMO 12)To KKY-Inarin 13)To Pig 14)To Jackey*SASAOKA 15)To FRS-N.O 16)To MVP (VERY GOOD Samurai Spirits 4 player) ======================================================= Real Bout Fatal Fury: Special is Copyright SNK Crop. This document Copyright 2003 Basel Al-Shehab If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and SNK Crop.