Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 07:59:56 -0400 Subject: Real Bout Special FAQ rel.2 /| / `. / . | / ., | / ... `. \\ ______ |\ / ..... | ___--- \ \_|@@@@@@\| \ /\ / ...... | ___--- .. / | @@@@@@@@@ \/\_| \/....@@... `___--- ...... -__ __/\ _/@@@@@@ @@@ .....@@@@@.. ......... \|@@ | _-___ @@@ @@@ ........@@.@@.@@@@@........ @@@ / _/ @@ @@@ ............@@.@@@@@@@@@@..... @@ /____ -__ @@ @@ ..............@@.@@..@@..@@@... @@@@@@@ /______ __/ @@@@@ @@@....@@@ @.@@.@@..@@.@@@.. @@ @@ @@@@@@ ___- __- @@@@@@ @@@@@.@@@@@@@.@@@@...@@@@@.. @@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ -- -_ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@..@@..@@@. ,.@@..@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@@ _\ _/ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@.@@@..@@@.@.@@@.@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ \ - | @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@..@.@@@..@@@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ __\ | @@@ @@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@......@@@@@@. @@@@ @@@ @@ @@@ \ - | @@@ ___ __...__. __.... __ _/- \ | @@@ _/-_|\ |__ |__|.|_ .|.. ||.|__| | \\/\/ -_\ | @@ / /_/\ ___| |....|__.|__ ||.|..| |__ _/\/\_\ | @ / \____ .... ____________ . ______/ -\\ | / /... / \_ \ (R) | / /.. / \ |/ /./ // REAL BOUT FATAL FURY S P E C I A L FAQ version: 1.5 rel. 2 Created: 26th April 1997 Last Updated: 13th May 1997 Copyright (c) 1997, Mark O'Neill (* FLEA *) This Document may be freely copied, distributed or used in any way provided proper credit is given to it's author. ------=| CONTENTS |=---------------------------------------------------------- 1) Introduction Story General 2) Game Details Rules Stage Features Ranking Misc Home/Arcade Version Differences Codes Shadow Versions of Characters Endings 3) Basic Movement/Controls Fighting Plane Fighting Plane Attacks Guard Cancel (Break Shot) Notes on Blocking Recovery Attacks Pursue Attacks Combination Attacks Ultra Deadly Attacks Hidden Power Attacks 4) Power Guage Details 5) Stage Descriptions 6) Combo System Details 7) Individual Character Details Terry Bogard Andy Bogard Kim Kap Whan Duck King Joe Higashi Mai Shiranui Sokaku Mochizuki Bob Wilson Hon Fu Blue Mary Franco Bash Ryuji Yamazaki Jin ChonShu Jin ChonRei Billy Kane Cheng Sinzan Tung Fu Rue Laurence Blood Wolfgang Krauser Extra/Shadow characters:- Geese Howard EX: Andy EX: Mary EX: Billy EX: Tung 8) Credits/Thanks 9) Version History 10) Post sites for this FAQ ------=| INTRODUCTION |=------------------------------------------------------ -=| STORY |=- (...Translation from Japanese...) The countless battles of destiny have been done. They have engaged in a battle with themselves to develop their strength. The battle often developed into a magnificant one by an irony of fate. It developed into one which wasn't expected... Now, fighters who have battled, been hurt and trained themselves to the peak think:- "What on earth are they longing for? What is strength?" Each fighter who has already been a legend, want to put an end to this battle. Every battle, however, isn't a perfect one. They can't be satisfied. The battle is..... like flying to the sky..... And now, the fighters set free their elegant and excellent arts. On the stage called Real Bout Fatal Fury Special... -=| GENERAL |=- Welcome again all NeoGeo/Beat'em up fans! The SIXTH in the excellent SNK Fatal Fury series is the best yet. Some things have gone from the game, including character moves that were over-powering, the ring-out system has gone, and the 3 battle planes have been reduced to 2. Additions include 4 new characters and the ability to play as 'shadow/evil' versions of certain characters, although Geese is no longer selectable. This FAQ is based upon the PAL CD version of the game (which I own). There may be slight differences between this and the arcade version, explained in the Home Version section. The FAQ structure is also closely based on my previous FAQ for Real Bout Fatal Fury. ------=| GAME DETAILS |=------------------------------------------------------ -=| RULES |=- As is unique to the Fatal Fury series, the action is now fought on 2 planes of existence (foreground and background, like the previous Fatal Fury 2/Special games). The foreground plane is the normal/starting plane to fight in. Rounds consist of 'best of 3' rules (as standard). An extra round (with less time) will be fought if no winner is found after 3 rounds. The energy bar for each character is as before where two energy bars are 'overlaid' on each other. The top bar is the Yellow bar, which when depleted gives way to a Red bar, which will flash when it reaches around 90-95 percent. It is worth noting here that while two energy bars may seem excessive, a single Power Special Move can drain the entire Yellow energy bar and a small chunk of the Reb bar! After initially selecting your own player in a one player game, you then pick the first opponent to fight against. Laurence Blood and Wolfgang Krauser are now the sub boss and boss characters. An un-selectable Geese Howard can be fought if you rank good enough after defeating Krauser. You only have one chance to defeat him. Billy now appears as a 'mid-boss', the fourth opponent you will meet. -=| STAGE FEATURES |=- There are 10 different stage areas in the game, which all have breakable objects at either end (except Geese's stage). Instead of a Ring Out now, when an end is broken and the opponent is knocked down from the attack, they are dizzied for a short while. Objects can be seen to weaken just before they are about to break. Many stages and characters music/voices return from the Fatal Fury 2/Special games in some revamped form. Refer to Stage Description section for further stage details. The ability to knock an opponent 'out of the screen' at the end of a match has also gone (sob!). The stage obstacles have durability values of 11 (at which point they will break). When hit by attacks the durability will decrease at the rate of the following:- If attacks are guarded by the opponent: Deadly Attacks 1 Ultra Deadly Attacks 2 (S.Power) Hidden Power Attacks 2 (P.Power) If attack(s) hit the opponent: Deadly Attacks 2 Ultra Deadly Attacks 5 (S.Power) Hidden Power Attacks 5 (P.Power) When the damage is more than 10, it'll be broken, and the opponent will be dizzied for a short while. They can hammer the buttons/move joystick left-right repeatedly to speed up the recovery process before they get decked! -=| RANKING |=- As in the previous Real Bout, rounds are graded for the player depending upon their performance (in terms of combo's, speed, skill etc). Each round is graded as follows:- SCORE TIME | - 9000 | - 8000 | - 7000 | - 6000 | - 5000 | - 4000 | - 3000 | 3000 - -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 15s | SSS | SSS | SS | SS | S | S | S | AAA -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 20s | SSS | SS | SS | S | S | S | AAA | AA -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 25s | SS | SS | S | S | S | AAA | AA | AAA -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 30s | SS | S | S | S | AAA | AA | AA | A -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 35s | S | S | S | AAA | AA | AA | A | B -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 40s | S | AAA | AAA | AA | AA | A | B | C -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 45s | AAA | AA | AA | A | A | B | C | C -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 50s | AA | A | A | B | B | C | C | C -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- - 55s | A | B | B | C | C | C | C | C -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- 56s - | B | C | C | C | C | C | C | C -------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+------- Extra | | | | | | | | or | C | C | C | C | C | C | C | C Time up| | | | | | | | These grades receive marks as follows: Fighting Level | SSS | SS | S | AAA | AA | A | B | C ---------------+-----+----+----+-----+----+----+----+---- Fighting Point | 53 | 45 | 33 | 25 | 17 | 12 | 9 | 5 At the end of the game, these marks are summed up and you will be awarded a Fighter Grade as follows: HOLY | GENIUS | MASTER | ACE | HOPE | AVERAGE | TRAINEE | BEGINNER FIGHTER| FIGHTER | FIGHTER | FIGHTER | FIGHTER | FIGHTER | FIGHTER | FIGHTER -------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------- -850 | 849-650 | 649-442 | 441-351 | 350-221 | 220-156 | 155-117 | 117- -=| MISC |=- 'Fake' moves (the start animation of a Special Move) are still here (some of them), and are shown in each character's move section with their normal moves. One of 2 colours can be selected for each character, using either A or D buttons when selecting a character. The A button is the normal colour, the D button is the alternative colour. Certain characters will interact a little with others at the start of a battle (e.g: Terry meeting Geese). -=| HOME/ARCADE VERSION DIFFERENCES |=- To initially have the ability to select Geese and the Shadow/EX characters on the home version, the following code is needed to be entered (once only after loading the game). Code:- Upon beating Geese on the home version, a code is given; O O O -O / | \ O- / | \ -O \ then A, B, C to be performed on Ranking Screen O O O O (the High Score table) (hold) The code must be done fairly quickly, and the last direction should be held whilst the buttons are tapped in sequence (A, then B, then C). If done correctly, you will hear Geese say: "Come on...". -=| SHADOW VERSIONS OF CHARACTERS |=- To select the shadow/EX version of a character, on the character select screen move to the character to choose to play as (see list on contents page). Then do the following:- Hold the start button (all the while - don't let go of it) Tap buttons in sequence; B, B, C, C Now hold down the B button for a second or so Whilst still holding B (and Start), press and hold C button Whilst holding these three buttons, press A or D to select your character in Shadow form. Can now let go of all the buttons. (A or D is used to select the costume colour). -=| ENDINGS |=- Ending (finishing/completing) the game consists of the following events that occur; - congratulations screen (followed by the 'nightmare' situation if you get to fight Geese) - post fight character portrait and interactions with another character who is connected to their fight/story in some way - credits, together with comedy fights between different characters. The actual sequences differ depending how many times the game is finished, that means there is a different set of skits every time the game is beaten. There are about 4 or 5 different sets, which repeat after they have all been shown once. - home version; above code given if Geese is beaten - the SNK Sound Art of 'Blue Mary's Blues' - worth seeing for sure! - your name entry / final ranking details ------=| BASIC MOVEMENT/CONTROLS |=------------------------------------------- /=================< B A S I C C O N T R O L S >==================\ | | | (low/high jump) | | A - Punch B - Kick | | UB U UF | | O O O C - Powerful attack | | \ | / | | (mid/ guard) B O- -O F D - Move to other fighting plane | | high / | \ - Turn in the air | | O O O | | DB D DF | | (low guard) (crawl) | | (crouch) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Turn in air : Tap the D button whilst in the air to turn your | | character around to face the other way. Can also | | press an attack button after the D button released | | | | Taunts : Press C when at distance from opponent | | (can be cancelled at any time) | | | | Holds/Throws : O- or -O + C button (or variations of) | | Some characters can also Air Throw | | | |Roll recovery : O- / | + D (when Power Gauge at H.POWER or above) | | O O | | | | Low Jump : Tap Jump direction | | | | High Jump : Hold Jump direction | | | | Crawl : Crawl forward (offensive crouch, Hold \ ) | | O | | Air Defense : O- in the air whilst being attacked | | (works against normal moves & projectiles) | | | | Jump Back : O- O- (also dodge projectiles) | | | | Forward Dash : -O -O (can also dash-jump for longer/higher jump) | | | \====================================================================/ -=| FIGHTING PLANE |=- This is based on the Fatal Fury 2/Special fighting plane system. Battles are usually fought in the foreground plane. Characters can move between planes by pressing the D button (useful for dodging special attacks/projectiles). Certain character moves will also knock the opponent to the other plane (it is possible to do this during a combo!). When a character is in the opposite background or foreground plane, both characters can still move forwards/backwards, dash, block or perform special moves. -=| FIGHTING PLANE ATTACKS |=- If you are in another plane to your opponent you can do the any of following: - press C to hit them high & bring them back to your plane. - press | + C to hit them low & bring them back to your plane. O - press A to move yourself to the opponent's plane and punch them. - press B to move yourself to the opponent's plane and kick them. It is possible to use normal moves, combo's or Special moves to thrust an opponent into the background or foreground, and it is also possible to air juggle the opponent during this with some characters (if you have ever played against Franco Bash, you'll know about it!) -=| GUARD CANCEL (BREAK SHOT) |=- Now known as the Break Shot move, during an attack, characters can use powerful 'Guard Cancel' techniques to break the enemy guard whilst they are being attacked. The Guard Cancel/Break Shot move can ONLY be done when the Power Guage is POWed up to the H.POWER level or higher. All characters have at least 1 of their special moves which can be used as a Guard Cancel move. To perform a Break Shot (BS), whilst blocking an attack, perform the specific Special Move (shown in each characters section), which should result in a Break Shot bonus and a trail of shadows being left whilst the move is performed. The move has to be performed immediately after blocking an attack. The Power Guage will go down a little when the move is performed. -=| NOTES ON BLOCKING |=- Once you have started blocking an opponents attack (combo or special moves), you do not have to keep holding the joystick in the block position. The game has what I call 'Semi-Automatic' blocking, where your character will successfully block the remainder of the attacks (at the same level - mid or low) if you blocked the first hit. This of course makes Guard Cancel attacks a little easier to perform! -=| RECOVERY ATTACKS |=- Some characters can perform a special kind of attack whilst they are getting up off the ground (after being combo'd or knocked down from a special move). When executing the move, before standing, your character will perform their attack on an unsuspecting hovering opponent! Details for the moves for each character are given in their own section. All characters can also escape to the other fighting plane by performing the Roll Recovery move (b,db,d + D ) when they are about to hit the ground from an opponents combo or special move. This requires the Power Gauge to be in the H.Power level or above, like the Break Shot system. -=| PURSUE ATTACKS |=- Some characters can perform follow-up attacks on an opponent who has been knocked down by a combo, throw or Special Move (combo's make the opponent stay down slightly longer than for a throw). Details for the moves for each character are given in their moves section. -=| COMBINATION ATTACKS |=- Just like in the previous Real Bout, pressing a series of buttons (sometimes with joystick direction) will perform cool looking chain-like combos. The system has been upgraded to allow certain combos to be performed which can combo an opponent between fighting planes (knock them to and from the other plane during a combo). Air juggles are also easier to perform now. See each characters section for details, and the Combo Section below. -=| ULTRA DEADLY ATTACK (S.POWER) |=- Known as the S.POWER move. Only possible when your character's energy bar is flashing OR the Power gauge is full or above H.POWER. (Can also be done if both are flashing instead of the P.POWER move). -=| HIDDEN POWER ATTACK (P.POWER) |=- Known as the P.POWER move. Only possible when your character's energy bar is flashing AND the Power gauge is at S.POWER ------=| POWER GAUGE |=------------------------------------------------------- Each character has at the bottom of the screen a bar which fills up when your character attacks the opponent (special moves), or your character blocks an opponents moves. >From empty, when it reaches half full it will display H.POWER, allowing Break Shot and Roll Recovery moves to be performed. When the bar becomes full, it flashes and displays above the gauge:- S.POWER (or P.POWER if the energy bar is flashing red) S.POWER or P.POWER power guages will completely drain away when you have used a special S.POWER or P.POWER move (successfully hitting the opponent or not). H.POWER gauges will go down by about a half when a Break Shot or Roll Recovery move is performed. Partly charged power gauges are carried over to the next round. If the S.POWER (P.POWER) move is not used, the gauge will begin to drain slowly. During this time the move will still be available until the bar is empty (only if bar is still flashing). NOTE: The Power Gauge will not be drained if an S.POWER move is used when a P.POWER move is available. ------=| STAGE DESCRIPTIONS |=------------------------------------------------ 1) JAPAN Pink cherry blossom trees continually drop their leaves on this stage which is set at evening under a bridge bed over a river at low tide. To the right is a stone wall which will give way to a secret room full of lost treasure! To the left is a large tree which will simply break apart. 2) KOREA Set in the wintery daylight of a Korean Martial Arts dojo, snow is slowly drifting down. Pupils can be seen in the background cheering and practising their skills. Second round changes to sun-set, and the snow is gone. To the left and right are large wooden practise logs which will break apart. 3) BRAZIL Reminiscent of Joe's Fatal Fury 2 stage, set in the jungle. There is a large waterfall in the background, and a leapard watches the fight from a tree. To the right is a stone statue which will break apart splashing water everywhere. An old wooden hut lies on the left 4) CHINA Set by the edge of a picturesque lake, mountains can be seen in the distant haze. To the right is a smouldering, fire-y cave. To the left is a panda bear happily chewing bamboo, until he's interupted that is! 5) HONG KONG Somehow reminds me of Lee's stage from AOF2 with the busy street and red tram all watching the fight. To the right sits a stall, selling meat and pigs heads! A large wooden post-board stands on the left infront of a vegetable stall. Anyone tell me what the writing says? 6) USA A nice day out at the beach! Seaguls fly around endlessly. To the right, a palm tree will drop it's nut onto the opponents head. To the left a boat on the beach is being painted... 7) SOUTHTOWN Billy Kane's stage - literally! He has his band's music equipment set-up ready for a show. To the left and right are large video screens, which will give a 'shocking' good show when broken! 8) GERMANY Laurence Blood's stage, set on the balcony of a castle, in err - Germany. I guess it really should be in Spain as he's a Matador! To the right is a large sign of a bull, but to the left is the holding area of a bull itself! Beware - it might just charge at you... 9) KRAUSER's STAGE This is Germany's stage, but a little more sinister, set at night. Lightning is flickering in the distant background. To the right now is a large fire-wielding statue, to the left are the main doors to the castle. 10) GEESE's STAGE I believe this is his old stage from Fatal Fury 2/Special, it is very dark and menacing with lots of statues/figure around the place. ------=| COMBO'S |=----------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves and Power Specials can be used within combo's or to end them with devasting effects! The linking moves/button presses to create a combo are shown as a map of all possible combinations of button presses (with joystick direction if applicable). Each sucessive move choice is shown branched off from the last previous button press (reading from left to right). I have deliberately not included combo's comprising of jump-in attacks or Special Moves. If a button in the combo map has * after it, that indicates that at the end of the combo (or if that button is in a sequence) the button following press can be interupted with another move, e.g: a Special attack. For example, one of Andy's combos is:- df+A --> C --> C --> C* --> fwd+C A cool combo would be:- df+A --> C --> C --> C --> -O | \ + C Dragon Blast interupts the O O final button press. ------=| INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER DETAILS |=-------------------------------------- Key/move notes; (close) - the move must be executed when next/close to an opponent (i.e: within throwing range). [p] - this move knocks the opponent into the other fighting plane. [a/air] - a normal move which can be used as an air defense (anti-air) [o/head] - move must be blocked standing (hits crouching opponents) [L/R] - can move left or right after this move (in the air) (bs) - this move can be used for a Guard Cancel / Break Shot move, which needs the Power Guage to be charged to at least H.POWER level. {..AB} - direction + AB moves shown in {} are Fake Moves. {|+BC} down + BC is the fake for the S.POWER/P.POWER move O All moves shown are for characters facing to the right. For the combo sections; dn refers to any joystick direction of / or | or \ O O O d refers to | only O db or df refers to / or \ respectively O O +================+ | TERRY BOGARD | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+================+=============================\ | | | Buster Throw: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | UpperCut: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | [a/air] O | | | | Terry has gained a new move, the | | Spinning Kick: -O + B [p] | shoulder Power Charge. | | | | | Charging Kick: dash, -O + C | | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | {-O+AB}| | | Burn Knuckle: | / O- + A/C | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Power Wave: | \ -O + A | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Round Wave: | \ -O + C | Hits in both planes | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Power Dunk: -O | \ + B (bs)| | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | | | | Power Charge: O- -O -O + A | | | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Crack Shoot: | / O- + B | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Rising Tackle: Hold | then O + A | | | O | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Passing Sway: | \ -O + D | Terry himself will move | | O O | to the other plane | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Power Geyzer: | / O- / -O + BC O | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Triple Geyzer: | / O- / -O + C | | | O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> C ----> C* ---> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | ANDY BOGARD | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Shoulder Throw: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Upper Palm: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | [a/air] O | | | | Where's all his moves gone? He has | | Rolling Kick: -O + B | lost SIX of his RBFF moves, but he | | | gains a new one - the Grab Explosion | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | {-O+AB}| | | Shadow Slash: / -O + A/C | | | (ZanEi Ken) O | | | | | | Gale Back Punch: do same motion again | | | (Shippuu Uraken) [C button only] | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Dragon Blast: -O | \ + C | | | (Sho Ryu Dan) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Grab Explosion: -O \ | / O- + C | | | O O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Sky Breaking Blast: / | \ -O + B (bs)| | | (KuHa Dan) O O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Flying Fist: | / O- + A {|+AB}| | | (Hisyo Ken) O O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Ultra Break Blast: Hold | , \ -O + BC O | | | (Cho Reppa Dan) O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Shadow Slash Break: / | \ -O + C | | | (ZanEi Reppa) O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> C ----> C* ---> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +================+ | KIM KAP WHAN | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+================+=============================\ | | | Shoulder Throw: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Axe Kick: -O + B | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | [o/head] | | | | Kim's foot stomp motion has changed | | | and he gets to follow-up his Flying | | | Kick with a sliding kick now. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Flying Swallow Slash: Hold | then O + B | | | (Hi En Zan) O | | | | | | | at top of move: | + B | | | O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Half Moon Slash | / O- + B/C {-O+AB}| | | (HanGetsu Zan) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Energy Kick: | / O- + A | stops most projectiles | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Flying Kick: in air, | + B | | | (Hisyo Kyaku) O | | | | | | Slide Kick: \ + B after above | | | O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Air Dust: -O | \ + A (bs)| | | (Ku Sajin) O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Chinese Phoenix: in air, O- / | \ -O + BC | | | Air Dance Kick O O O | | | (Hoh-Oh TenBu Kyaku) | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Chinese Phoenix Kick: | / O- / -O + C O | | | (Hoh-Oh Kyaku) O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | C ----> C* ---> fwd+C ---> -O | \ + A | | O O | \==========================================================================/ +=============+ | DUCK KING | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >==========+=============+==============================\ | | | Slam Dunk: O- or -O + C Air Throw: | + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Double hit: O- + A | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [o/head] | O | | | | | Slide Kick: \ + B | Our 'Ducky' hasn't changed much, but | | O | he gains a new Cross Head Spin move. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Head Spin Attack: | \ -O + A/C | Can be interupted | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Dancing Dive: | / O- + B (bs)| | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Cross Head Spin: | / O- + D | Duck himself will move | | O O | to the other plane | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Neo Break Storm: -O | \ + B | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Flying Spin Attack: in air, | / O- + A | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Duck Fake Air: in air, | | | Not an attack | | O O [L/R] | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Duck Fake Ground: dash, \ + C | Not an attack | | O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | O | | | Break Spiral: O- / | \ -O / | + BC | | | O O O O (close)| | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Duck Dance: | | + ABC O | Not an attack | | O O | | | | - enhances other moves | | when flashing, you can do either of:- | by 1-1/2 times | | | | | O | - lasts about 10 seconds| | 1) Break Spiral: O- / | \ -O / | + BC | | | (enhanced) O O O O (close)| - will also build up | | | Power Gauge initially | | 2) Break Hurricane: | \ -O (x2) + BC (?) | | | O O | - performing a move will| | | drain the Power Gauge | | 3) Dancing Calibre: | / O- (x2) + BC (?) | | | O O | | | | | | 4) Rolling Banisher: Hold O- , -O O- -O + BC | | | | | | 5) Diving Banisher: in air, -O \ | + BC | | | O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | fwd+C [p] | | | | | B ----> d+B -+--> d+C | | d+B df+C | | O | | d+C ----> d+C ----> d+C ----> | \ -O / + B | | O O | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | JOE HIGASHI | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Knee-kick combo: O- or -O + C Knee Bash: \ + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | High Elbow: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [a/air] O | (taunt) O | | | | | Slide Kick: \ + B | Joe's Pressure Knee has changed to a | | O | tiger-knee combo type move, and his | | | motion for the Hurricanes has been | | Uppercut: O- + A R/House: O- + B | reversed. | | [p]| | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Slash Kick: / -O + B/C | | | O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Golden Heel: | / O- + B | | | (Ougon no Kakato) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Tiger Kick: -O | \ + B {O-+AB}| | | O O (bs)| | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Pressure Knee: -O | \ + C | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Exploding Blast: | | | (BakuRetsu Ken) Tap A repeatedly | | | | | | Exploding Hook: | \ -O + A (after above) | | | (BajuRetsu Hook) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Exploding Hurricane: -O \ | / O- + A/C | | | (BakuRetsu Hurricane) O O O {|+AB}| | | O | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Screw Upper: -O O- / | \ + BC O | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Slide Screw: -O O- / | \ + C O | | | O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | B ----> C ----> C ----> | \ -O + C A ----> C | | O O | | | | bk+A ----> C ----> C ----> C* ---> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +================+ | MAI SHIRANUI | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+================+=============================\ | | | Leg Flip: O- or -O + C Air Throw: | + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Cape Flick: O- + A [p] | Recovery : Tap C Pursue : none | | | (double kick) | | | | | | Mai can also jump off the wall. A | | | couple of her moves have been altered| | | but she's still our favourite ninja! | | | She also lost the Phantom Shiranui. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | {|+AB}| | | Flower Butterfly Fan: | \ -O + A O | | | (KaCho Sen) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Violent Flower Butterfly: | / O- + C (x5) | Now a combo type move, | | Fan O O | ending in a multiple | | (Midare KaCho Sen) | fan-dart throw | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Dragon Flame Dance: | / O- + A (bs)| | | (Ryu En Bu) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Heat Haze Dance: Hold | , O + C | | | (Kagero no Mai) O | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Deadly Ninja Bees: O- / | \ -O + C | | | (Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi) O O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Squirel Dance: in air, | + AB | | | (Musasabi no Mai) O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Super Deadly Ninja Bees: -O / -O + BC | | | (Cho Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi) O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Leotard Ninja Bees: -O / -O + C | | | (Leotard Shinobi Bachi) O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> A -+--> C | | d+A | | d+C | | | | | | B -+--> B -+--> fwd+C ---> bk+C* | | d+B d+B | | | | C ---> fwd+C ---> C ---> d+C d+A ---> d+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +====================+ | SOKAKU MOCHIZUKI | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >======+====================+===========================\ | | | Reverse Slam: -O + C Air Throw: | + C | | O | | Shoulder Toss: O- + C (add O- / | + C for Face Bash) | | O O | | Demon's Gate Camp: rotate 360 + C | | (Kimon Jin) | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Staff Thrust: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [a/air] O | O | | | The turning-nastier-by-the-day Sokaku| | | hasn't changed too much - he lost his| | | teleport move and his thunder bolt, &| | | reflection moves work differently. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | {|+AB}| | | Makibishi Masher: | \ -O + A O | | | (Makibishi) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Wild Monkey Hunt: | / O- + A (bs)| | | (Nozaru Gari) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Possession Blast: -O O- -O + C | | | (Hyoi Dan) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Secret Power Thunderbolt: -O | \ + B | | | (Higi Kaminari Otoshi) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Evil Staff Dance: Tap A repeatedly, then; | | | (JaKon Bu) | | | | | | Heaven Break: / + C [mid]: -O + C | | | (Ten Ha) O (toppa) | | | | | | Swipe Break [low]: \ + C Lower: O + C | | | (Fu Ha) O (Kou Ha) / | | | | | | Fell Break: D [p] | | | (Tou Ha) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Evil God Staff: -O \ | / O- + B | Also stops most other | | (Jashin Kon) O O O | projectiles | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Flames Of Doom: | / O- + D | Sokaku himself will move| | (Hametsu no Honou) O O | to the other plane | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Thunder: -O \ | \ -O + BC O | Hits in both planes | | (Ikazuchi) O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Thunder God Blast: -O \ | \ -O + C O | Unblockable ? | | (Raijin no Ibuki) O O O | Hits low ? | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | fwd+C [p] | | | | | B ----> d+B -+--> d+C | | d+B df+C | | | | C ----> C ----> d+C ---> d+C ---> d+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +==============+ | BOB WILSON | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+==============+==============================\ | | | Falcon: O- or -O + C (follow up with Hornet Attack) | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Thrust Kick: \ + A | Recovery Attack: Tap C repeatedly | | [a/air] O | (somersault kick) | | | | | Double Kick: in air, | + B | Pursue #1: O + C Pursue #2: \ \ + C | | O | (leg drop) | (hornet O O | | | attack) | | (must be a High jump) | | | | Bobby-boy gets a new Sidewinder move,| | | about time too! | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Rolling Turtle: | / O- + B | Can move left or right | | O O | during move | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Sidewinder: | / O- + C | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | | | | Shoulder Charge: -O -O + A | | | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Bison Horn: Hold | then O + C | | | O | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | | | | Wild Wolf: Hold O- then -O + B | | | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Monkey Dance: -O | \ + B (bs)| | | O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Dangerous Wolf: -O O- / | \ -O + BC O | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Mad Spin Wolf: | / O- | / O- + C | | | O O O O | | | | | | Wolf Fang: Tap C before move finishes | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | df+A ---> d+B ---> d+C | | | | | B ----> d+B -+--> d+C | | d+B df+C | | | | C ----> C -+--> C -+--> C* -+--> fwd+C | | | | | | | | *| +--> up+C | | *| +-> up+C | | +-> up+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +==========+ | HON FU | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >===========+==========+================================\ | | | Leg Flip: O- or -O + C Face Bash: \ + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | High NC hit: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [a/air] O | O | | | | | Spinning Head Kick: -O + B | Ol' nun-chucks is back, virtually | | | unchanged. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Nine Dragon Foresight: O- / | \ -O + C | A counter move. Can also| | (KuuRon no Yomi) O O O (close) | be used as an anti-air | | | move; produces an 8 hit | | Black Dragon: (when used as anti-air move) | air juggle! | | (KokuRyu) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Lightning Speed Earth: Hold / then -O + B | | | (Denkousekka no Chi) O | | | | | | Lighting Pachiki: press B during above | | | (Denkou Pachiki) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Lightning Speed Heaven: | / O- + B | | | (Denkousekka no Ten) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Victory Counter Attack: | / O- + C | | | (Hissho Kyakushu Kyaku) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Mastery of Air Intense: -O | \ + A/C (bs)| Use A button for Break | | Fire O O | Shot move | | (Seikuu Rekka Kon) {O-+AB}| | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Fire Stallion: | / O- + A, then Tap A | | | (Honou no Taneuma) O O | | | | | | - must keep up good button tapping rythm | | | else Hon Fu will come off worse! | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Explosive Goro: | / O- / -O + BC | | | (Bakuhatsu Goro) O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Storm In Gadentsa: | / O- / -O + C | | | (Gadenza no Arashi) O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B* -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B* ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> C | | | \==========================================================================/ +=============+ | BLUE MARY | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >==========+=============+==============================\ | | | Knee-in-the-back: O- or -O + C (add O- -O + C for Elbow Bash) | | | | Back Drop: \ \ + AB | | O O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Spin Kick, low kick: O- + B | Recovery : none Pursue : O + C | | | | | | | | | | Mary's back better than ever, despite| | | losing her M.Spider and Quick Sway | | | and Crab Crunch moves! | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Spin Fall: | \ -O + A | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Straight Slice: Hold O- then -O + B | | | | | | - Stun Slice: after above, O- -O + B | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Vertical Arrow: -O | \ + B (bs)| | | O O | | | - M. Snatcher: do same move again | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | M. Head Buster: | / O- + B | Not an attack. | | O O | Counter attack (ground) | | - can follow up with Vertical Arrow then | | | M. Snatcher. | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Stun Gun Smasher: | / O- + C | Not an attack. | | O O | Counter attack (air) | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | M. Typhoon: -O O- / | \ -O + BC | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | M. Driving Smasher: -O O- / | \ -O + C | Unblockable | | O O O (close)| | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B* -+--> C | | d+A | fwd+C | | | | | B ----> d+B -+--> dn+C | | d+B | | | | C ----> C ----> C* ----> O- -O + B A ----> C | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | FRANCO BASH | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Gut Punch: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Roundhouse Kick: -O + B [p] | Recovery : Tap C Pursue : none | | | | | Big Punch: AB | Has Franco been working out or what? | | | Maybe it's those mushrooms! He's | | | completely changed and has more reach| | | now, though he lost his Waving Step. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Double Kong: | / O- + A (bs)| | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Power Stomp: O | | | | \ -O / + B | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Meteo Shot: | \ -O + A {|+AB}| | | O O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Meteo Tackle: / -O + C | | | O | | | Meteo Back Blow: do same motion again | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Waving Blow: O- / | \ -O + D | Franco himself will move| | O O O | to the other plane | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Final Omega Shot: | / O- / -O + BC | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Harmagedon Buster: -O \ | / O- + C | This is only a set-up | | O O O (close)| move, which knocks the | | | opponent into the air | | this sets up opponent for; | who then lands and is | | | dizzied temporarily. | | 1) Tap A - low punches | The Power Guage is re- | | | charged and will go down| | 2) Tap B - knee thrusts | allowing time for either| | | of the custom combo | | 3) Tap C - gut punch combos | finishes. If no button | | | is pressed, Franco will | | A mix of buttons can be used. | do a pose. | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | fwd+C | | | A ----> C | | B ----> d+B -+--> dn+C | | d+B | | | | C ----> C ----> C ----> C ----> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +==================+ | RYUJI YAMAZAKI | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+==================+===========================\ | | | Reverse Toss: O- or -O + C Head Butt: -O O- | O + C | | O | | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Double Punch: -O + A | Recovery : Tap C Pursue : | + C | | [o/head] | O | | | | | Uppercut: \ + A | One-hand is back - pretty much the | | [a/air] O | same. He can control his Snake Tamer| | | better now. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Snake Tamer: | / O- + A/B/C A - high | Hold button to delay | | (Hebi Tsukai) O O B - middle| | | C - low | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Double Return: | \ -O + C | Not an attack | | (Bei Gaeshi) O O | Returns most projectiles| | | Can hold C to delay | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Judging Dagger: -O / -O + A (bs)| | | (Sabaki no Aikuchi) O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Sadism/Masochism: O- / | \ -O + B | Taunts, counter attacks | | (SadoMaso) O O O | if opponent attacks | | | during taunt | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Guillotine: -O \ | / -O + BC | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Yondan Drill: rotate 360 + C (close) | | | | | | then tap C repeatedly for different levels of | | | follow-up attack; | | | | | | level 1 - combo #1 | | | level 2 - combo #2 | | | level 3 - headbutt death | | | level 4 - headbutts and snake arms killer | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | fwd+C | | | A ----> C | | B ----> d+B -+--> dn+C | | d+B | | | | df+a ----> C ----> C ----> C ----> C* ---> bk+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | JIN CHONSHU | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Energy Burst: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Spinning Backhand: O- + A | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | | | | Ground Roll Attack: \ + C | He's faster than ever now, and has | | O | more teleporting abilities. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Emperor God's Foot: -O -O + A | includes throw | | (Teio JinSoku Ken) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Heaven Eye: | \ -O + A/C | | | (Teio Tengan Ken) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Heaven Ear: -O | \ + A/C | | | (Teio Tenji Ken) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | (bs)| | | Emperor God's Eye: -O \ | / O- + A/B/C | Teleport positions; | | (Teio ShiGan Ken) O O O [L/R]| | | | A - infront | | Emperor God's Eye Steel Drop: Press A/B/C | B - above | | (Tei ShiGan KouRaku) during above for | C - behind | | Roll Attack from | | | the air | Use C button for Break | | | Shot move | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Air Gods' Eye: in air. -O \ | + B | | | (Teio ShiGan Ken) O O | Must be from a High jump| | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Emperor Leak Out Slash: | / O- -O + BC O | Can be done from the air| | (Teio Rojin Ken) O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Emperor Destiny Slash: | / O- -O + C | | | (Teio SyukuKyo Ken) O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> A -+ | | dn+A | | | | | | | | | B* | C | | B -+-> dn+B -+--> fwd+C | | dn+B dn+C | | | | C ----> C ----> C ----> O- -O + C | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | JIN CHONREI | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Energy Burst: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Axe Kick: -O + B | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | [o/head] | | | | Still as good as before, but can now | | Energy Ball: in air, C button | charge his fireball to 5 levels. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Emperor God's Foot: -O -O + A | Does not throw, unlike | | (Teio JinSoku Ken) | ChonShu. | | or perform from a dash for a| | | further reaching version | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Heaven Eye: | \ -O + C | Hold C for 5 levels of | | (Teio Tengan Ken) O O | power | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Heaven Ear: -O | \ + A/C (bs)| Use C version for Break | | (Teio Tenji Ken) O O | Shot move | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Leak Out Slash: | / O- -O + C | | | (Teio Rojin Ken) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Emperor Heart Slash: | / O- + B | Not an attack. | | (Teio Tashin Ken) O O | Reflects projectiles | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Dragon Turn Over: | \ -O + B | Not an attack. | | (Ryu TenShin) O O | (ground roll) | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Emperor Destiny Slash: -O O- / | \ + BC O | | | (Teio SyukMyo Ken) O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Emperor Dragon Voice: -O O- / | \ + C O | | | Slash O O O | | | (Teio RyuSei Ken) | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C A ----> C | | | | C ----> C ----> d+C ----> | \ -O + C | | O O | | | \==========================================================================/ +==============+ | BILLY KANE | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >==========+==============+=============================\ | | | Pole Throw: O- or -O + C Pole Spin: -O + B | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | | O | | | | | |Strong as ever, Billy has now lost his| | |counter moves for a multi-hit move. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | SanSetsuKon Mid Hit: Hold O- then -O + A | | | (SanSetsuKon ChuDan Uchi) | | | | | | Flame SanSetsuKon Mid Poke: O- -O + C | | |(Kaen SanSetsuKon ChuDan Tsuki) after above move| | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Sparrow Drop: | / O- + A | | | (Suzume Otoshi) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Whirlwind Pole: Tap A repeatedly | Stops most projectiles | | (Senpu Kon) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Assault Flying Pole: / | \ -O + B {O-+AB}| | | (KyoSyu Hisho Kon) O O O [L/R] | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Fire Dragon Pursue: | / O- + B (bs)| | | (KaRyu TsuiGeki Kon) O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Ultra Flame Whirlwind: | \ -O \ | / O- + BC | | | Pole O O O O O | | | (Cho Kaen Senpu Kon) | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Blaze Death Pole: | \ -O \ | / O- + C | | | (Guren Sakkon) O O O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B ----> C | | d+A | | | | | | B -+--> B ----> fwd+C [p] ---> bk+C [p] | | dn+B dn+B dn+C A ----> C | | d+A | | d+C ----> C ----> | \ -O + C | | O O | | | \==========================================================================/ +================+ | CHENG SINZAN | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+================+============================\ | | | Body Toss: O- or -O + C Head Butt: \ + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Energy Ball: AB [p] | Reoovery : none Pursue : none | | | | | | It ain't over till the fat bloke | | Energy Balls: -O + A | sings! He's pretty much the same as | | [o/head] | in previous FF outings. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | {|+AB}| | | Fireball: | \ -O + A O | | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Anti-air Fireball: -O | \ + A {|+AB}| | | O O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Ground Roll: Hold O- , -O + A/C {-O+AB}| Use C button for Break | | (bs)| Shot move | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Belly Blast: Hold | , O + A | | | O | | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Belly Counter: -O \ | / O- + B | Not an attack | | O O O | Counters opponents attack| | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | Bursting Heavens; Hold / , | \ + BC | | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | Collapse of: -O \ | / O- + C | | | Creation O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C ----> | \ -O + C | | d+A | | O O | | | | | | B | | | | d+B -+--> B -+--> d+C | | dn+B df+C A ----> C | | | | C ----> C ----> fwd+C ----> O- -O + C | | | \==========================================================================/ +===============+ | TUNG FU RUE | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+===============+=============================\ | | | Energy Blast: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Upper Fist: \ + A | Reoovery : none Pursue : none | | [a/air] O | | | | The return of the proverbial old | | | geeza is a welcome one. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | {|+AB}| | | Spit Fireball: | \ -O + A O | | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Thousand Kicks: -O | \ + B (bs)| | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Power Wave: Hold / , -O + C | | | O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Step Fist: | / O- + A/C | | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Super Taunt: Tap C during taunt | Not an attack | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Iron Hurricane: -O \ | O + BC O | | | O O | | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | Outrageous Man: -O O- / | \ -O + C | Hold C to build up more | | O O O | power before charging | | | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> d+C | | dn+B df+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +==================+ | LAURENCE BLOOD | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+==================+===========================\ | | | Saber Stab O- or -O + C Air Throw: | + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Spin Kick: -O + B [p] | Reoovery : none Pursue : none | | | | | Saber Poke in air, | + A | This is one tough cookie - and he has| | (must be High jump O | a sword too! Is he Karmen Cole's | | | twin brother? | | Ole Dodg AB | | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | | | | Bloody Saber: | \ -O + A (x3) | Can be done 3 times in a | | O O | row | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | (bs)| Use C button for Break | | Bloody Spin: Hold O- , -O + A/C | Shot move | | | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Bloody Axle: | \ -O + C | | | O O | | | during this move, any of the following can | | | done:- | | | Bloody Cutter: A or B or C | | | | | | Bloody Press: O- or -O + C (close) | | | | | | Bloody Shooter: | / O- + A/B/C | | | O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Bloody Flash: \ O- / | \ -O / + BC O | | | O O O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | Certain Death: | \ -O \ | / O- + C | | | O O O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | A -+--> A -+--> C | | d+A | | | | +--> B -+--> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> dn+B ---> dn+C | | | | C ----> C ----> C ----> fwd+C | | | \==========================================================================/ +====================+ | WOLFGANG KRAUSER | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=======+====================+==========================\ | | | Knee Thrust: O- or -O + C Liftup Blow: -O \ | / O- + B | | O O O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Double Punch: -O + BC | Reoovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [o/head] | O | | | | | Stomach Splash: in air, | + C | He's also been working out lately, | | O | and gets a few throw and counter | | (must be High jump) | moves. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | | | | Blitz Ball (high): | / O- + A | | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Blitz Ball (low): | / O- + C | | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Leg Tomahawk: | \ -O + B (bs)| | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Dangerous Thrust: O- / | \ -O + A | Not an attack | | O O O (close)| Breaks opponents guard | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Pheonix Thrust: O- / | \ -O + C | Not an attack | | O O O | Counters high/specials | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Kaiser Wave: O O | Hold BC buttons to charge| | Hold O- , / + BC | up to 3 different levels | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | 1) Gigantic Cyclone:-O \ | / O- -O \ | + C | Slight pause before it | | O O O O O | starts. Do near to the | | | opponent | | | | | 2) Deadly Rave: -O \ | / O- -O + ... | He also learnt a Deadly | | O O O | Rave move from Geese! | | | | | A, A, B, C, B, C, A, B, C, ... | | | | | | then one of 3 different ending moves; | | | | | | C, C | / O- + AC -O \ | / O- (x2)| | | or O O or O O O + C | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | A ----> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | | B ----> d+B -+--> d+C A ----> C | | d+B df+C | | | | C ----> C ----> | \ -O + C | | O O | | | \==========================================================================/ -=| EXTRA / SHADOW CHARACTERS |=- Geese and the Shadow/EX characters are selectable on the home version after inputing the Geese code. +================+ | GEESE HOWARD | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=========+================+============================\ | | | Shoulder Toss: O- or -O + C Face Grab: \ + C | | O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Upper Palm: \ + A Low Swipe: AB | Recovery: none Pursue: | + C | | [a/air] O | (explosion) O | | | | | Spin Kick: O- + B [p] | His infamous Raising Storm has been | | | toned down slightly, and his Deadly | | Quick Swipe: block, -O + A | Rave move changed slightly. | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | (bs)| | | Evil Shadow Slash: Hold O- , -O + B/C | Use B version for Break | | (JaEi Ken) | Shot move | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Heavy Wind Slash: | / O- + A {|+AB}| | | (Reppu Ken) O O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Double Heavy Wind Slash: | / O- + C {|+AB}| | | (Double Reppu Ken) O O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Gale Slash: in air, | / O- + A - A | Tap A button again for | | (Shippu Ken) O O [L/R] | another blast | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Double Gale Slash: in air, O- | / + C (x2) | | | (Double Shippu Ken) O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Upper Knockdown Throw: O- / | \ -O + B | Counter attack (high/air)| | (Joudan Atemi Nage) O O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Mid Knockdown Hit: O- / | \ -O + C | Counter attack (mid) | | (Chudan Atemi Uchi) O O O | (throw set-up only) | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Raising Storm: / -O \ | / O- \ + BC O | | | O O O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | 1). Thunder Break: -O \ | + C | 1) Hits in both planes | | O O | | | | 2) Perform when near to | | 2). Deadly Rave: -O \ | / O- -O + ... | opponent to connect | | O O O | with first hit. | | | | | after the above motion, press the following; | Each button press must| | | be correctly timed or | | A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, C, | / O- + C | the move will end. | | O O | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | A -+-> dn+A -+ | | d/df+A | | | | | | C | | B -+--> B* -+--> fwd+C* [p] | | dn+B dn+B dn+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> C ----> C | | | \==========================================================================/ The Shadow/EX characters that can be selected are:- NAME: GAME TAKEN FROM: Andy Bogard - Real Bout Fatal Fury Blue Mary - Fatal Fury 3 Tung Fu Rue - Fatal Fury Special Billy Kane - Real Bout Fatal Fury This means they have the similar moves as in the games mentioned above (or variation of moves). They actually seem to only have a few limited moves each. Mary seems especially lacking in moves, whilst Billy is as strong as he ever was in RBFF. Andy and Tung are both quite playable. Moves are as follows. +===================+ | EX: ANDY BOGARD | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=======+===================+===========================\ | | | Shoulder Throw: O- or -O + C Spider Hold: in air, | | + C | | O O | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Upper Palm: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | [a/air] O | O | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | Shadow Slash: / -O + C | | | (ZanEi Ken) O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Repeated Kick in: O- | / + B (bs)| | | Darkness O O | | | (Yami AbiseGeri) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Violent Flying Fist: | / O- + C | | | (Geki Hisyo Ken) O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Ultra Break Blast: Hold | , \ -O + BC | | | (Cho Reppa Dan) O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Shadow Slash Break: / | \ -O + C | | | (ZanEi Reppa) O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B -+--> C | | d+A | | | | | ---> fwd+C [p] ----> bk+C* [p] | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> fwd+C [p] | | dn+B dn+C | | | | df+A ----> C ----> C ----> C | | | \==========================================================================/ +=================+ | EX: BLUE MARY | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+=================+============================\ | | | Leg Flip: O- or -O + C Leg Break: | / O- + C | | O O | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Leg Flick: \ + A | Recovery : none Pursue : none | | [a/air] O | | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | M. Spider: -O | \ + C | | | O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | | | | Straight Slice: Hold O- then -O + B | | | | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Vertical Arrow: -O | \ + B (bs)| | | O O | Doesn't hit on way up | | - M. Snatcher: do same move again | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | M. Typhoon: -O O- / | \ -O + BC | Unblockable | | O O O | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | M. Driving Smasher: ? | | | | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A ----> C | | | | B ----> B* | | | \==========================================================================/ +==================+ | EX: BILLY KANE | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >========+==================+===========================\ | | | Pole Throw: O- or -O + C Pole Spin: -O + B | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | | Recovery : none Pursue : | + C | | | O | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+============+========( notes )========+ | | | | SanSetsuKon Mid Hit: Hold O- then -O + A | | | (SanSetsuKon ChuDan Uchi) | | | | | | Flame SanSetsuKon Mid Poke: O- -O + C | | | (Kaen SanSetsuKon ChuDan after above move | | | Tsuki) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Sparrow Drop: | / O- + A | | | (Suzume Otoshi) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Stabbing Pole: Tap A repeatedly | | | (Senpu Kon) | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Assault Flying Pole: / | \ -O + B | | | (KyoSyu Hisho Kon) O O O | | | | | | can press O- or -O during above to land | | | either left or right of the opponent | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Fire Dragon Pursue: | / O- + B (bs)| Counter attack (ground) | | (KaRyu TsuiGeki Kon) O O | | |------------------------------------------------+-------------------------| | Water Dragon Pursue: | / O- + B | Counter attack (air) | | (SuiRyu TsuiGeki Kon) O O | | | | | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)=========+=========================+ | | | | Ultra Flame Whirlwind: | \ -O \ | / O- + BC | | | Pole O O O O O | | | (Cho Kaen Senpu Kon) | | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)=========+=========================+ | (bs)| | | Blaze Death Pole: -O \ | + C ? | | | (Guren Sakkon) O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >==================================+=========================# | | | A -+--> B ----> C | | d+A | | | | | | B | | | d+B -+--> B ----> fwd+C [p] ---> bk+C [p] | | dn+B dn+C A ----> C | | d+A | | d+C ----> C ----> | \ -O + C | | O O | | | \==========================================================================/ +===================+ | EX: TUNG FU RUE | /===< HOLDS/THROWS >=======+===================+===========================\ | | | Thousand Punches: O- or -O + C | | | +===< MISC >========================+======================================+ | | | | Upper Fist: \ + A | Reoovery : none Pursue : none | | [a/air] O | | | | | +===< DEADLY ATTACKS >==============+===========+=========( notes )========+ | | | | Geki Hou: Tap C repeatedly | Stops most projectiles | | | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Thousand Kicks: -O | \ + B | | | O O (near opponent) | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Power Wave: Hold / , -O + A {|+AB}| Comes out pretty fast | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Step Fist: | / O- + A/C (bs)| | | O O | | |-----------------------------------------------+--------------------------| | Super Taunt: Tap C during taunt | Not an attack | | | Can't be cancelled | +===< S.POWER >====(Ultra Deadly Attack)========+==========================+ | {|+BC}| | | Iron Hurricane: -O \ | O + BC O | Longer lag time when | | O O | | ending the move | | | | +===< P.POWER >====(Hidden Power Attack)========+==========================+ | | | | Million Kick: | / O- / | \ -O + C | | | O O O O O | | | | | #===< COMBO'S >=================================+==========================# | | | (none!) | | | \==========================================================================/ ------=| CREDITS/THANKS |=---------------------------------------------------- Author of this FAQ (ME!)............................Mark O'Neill (* FLEA *) Special Thanx (& Honorary Mention)..................Gary (SMILER) Clinton [fellow play tester] "Just call me Kim Kap Whan!" SNK Corp............................................The best game in the Fatal Fury series yet. (didn't I say that last time?) Alan Abraham <>.............General info. Kotani Harumi ......Story, rankings. General info. The No.1 Japan info source! Mark Blanco ............Code and character info. Leon Hilu ..................Code info, Geese info and other details. Mentions :- a very special mention to my penpal JoJo... Any additional information, suggestions, corrections, (friendly) critism, move names, combo's, codes etc. would be gratefully appreciated, and you will get your name in the credits of this FAQ. I would especially like the move names to be more correct (I have made many of them up myself). I can be e-mailed any time at:- ------=| VERSION HISTORY |=--------------------------------------------------- 1.0 - Initial version - based on my RBFF FAQ v3.2. Most things covered. rel.1 Need to know - (home version:- blood code & shadow char. access) 26/april/97 What the code does when Geese beaten (home version) Shadow character details to complete. 1.5 - Added Geese and EX/Shadow character info. Code details updated. rel.2 Other minor modifications/corrections throughout. 13/may/97 ------=| POST SITES FOR THIS FAQ |=------------------------------------------- InterNet: web; - (THE video game FAQ archive!) (my University home page) CompuServe: - Video Games Forum (Go VIDGAM) [NeoGeo Library section] - Video Game Central Forum (Go VIDPUB) [Coin-ops Library section] You can also contact me directly and I will be happy to send you a copy. If anybody out there wants to, please add this to your FTP site/Web site. (If you do, let me know so I can update the Post Sites section in the FAQ). Remember - a game is for life, not just for Christmas! |----------------------------- | The Flea-Meister | | | -----------------------------|