HOWLIN' MAD -H-'S PERFECT PLAYER'S GUIDE to- REAL BOUT FATAL FURY -SPECIAL- Ver 1.00 + Plus -Text Version- You are free to distribute this list, but please give acknowledgment to me, Henry A. Moriarty (Howlin' Mad -H-). If you are in need for contact, please write to me at Or find me at If you have any new info concerning RBFFS, please send them in. Shall any info you sent in appears in the updated versions, you will be given full credit for your support. Also, please keep in mind that unauthorized duplication or modification is illegal under copyright law. This document may not be used for commercially for profit. PS- Please don't sue me SNK. Thanks in advance. ---------------------------------------------- Contents 1- Basic Moves 2- The Line System 3- Hidden EX Characters 4- Character Profiles 5- Character Moves 6- Additional Moves 7- Combo Arts 8- Endings 9- Tips on Getting to Geese Howard 10- Author Notes 11- Music Info 12- Noteable Voices 13- Voice Actor Credits 14- Version Lists & Last Note --BASIC MOVES------------------------------------ Combinations of the controller and buttons can be used for many moves. During fights in opposing lines it is possible to foot sweep, but also to guard any moves as well. Any controller movements done from the following is based on the character facing right upon fighting. UP- Jump DOWN- Duck BACK- Guard, walk backwards FORWARD- Walk Forward BACK x 2 Quickly - BackDash FORWARD x 2 Quickly - ForwardDash A- Punch / Line Move Punch (while in a different line) B- Kick / Line Move Kick (while in a different line) C- Feirce Attack / Line Pull Opponent (while in a different line) D- Line change / Change directions while in air Throw- Forward + C Near Opponent Line Roll- (Decreases Power meter by 25%) Back, BackDwn, Down + D After falling on the ground from an attack OTHER than Throw/Breakshot/DM/SDM. To do this Line roll, the Power meter must be H-Power or more. --POWERS-- The power meter can build by using special moves or Guarding. When the meter reaches halfway, H-Power is enabled. When the meter reaches full capactiy, S-Power is enabled. If the life meter is blinking upon the power meter reaching its maximum, P-Power is enabled. H-Power Enablement of Breakshot(Guard Cancel. Decreases Power meter by 50%) or Line roll (Decreases Power meter by 25%). The Power meter will decrease a bit if you use any of the two. S-Power Enablement of DM. Power meter will decrease 100% upon its use. P-Power Enablement of SDM. Power meter will decrease 100% upon its use. ------------------------------------------------------------------ RBS Line System The new line system in RBS is somewhat difficult to grasp, but it will definitely act as a positive system of offence if you master it. 1- What use does it have? By line swaying, you can dodge opponent's moves and projectiles. In fact there are some moves like Krauser's Kaiser wave which can't be dodged in the same line, or Sokaku's SDM which is totally unguardable. You can also piss off beginners. 2- What demerits does it have? Although you can guard any moves once you are in another line, you are totally opened to attacks during the time you are moving to the other line, and right after you get there. Thus if you decide for some awkward reason to line sway while your opponent is right near you doing nothing, you can be attacked and comboed. Also, jumps done while the opponent is on a different line can be used to dodge line attacks, but you cannot do any attacks while in the air. 3- What should be done if the opponent line sways? You should attack them of course. You can move to the other line without doing any attacks with the D button. You can punch youself to the other line by pressing the A button, and you can kick yourself to the other line with the B button. Although there is good reason to kick to the other line with the B button(which we'll discuss later), the normal attack to the opponent should be done with the C button, which sucks the opponent to your line, eitherr guarding or not. One reason to suck your opponent to your line instead of jumping to theirs is so that you won't go into the opponent's projectiles, but another is because the C button attack can be comboed. 4- Extra tips KICKS Although the C button line attack is very useful, the B button kick can be as useful as well because, depending on the character, it can't be guarded standing or crouching. Characters with B Button Line attack which cannot be guarded standing Joe Duck Billy Mary Sokaku Hon-Fu Chon-shu Chon-rei Krauser Characters with B Button Line attack which cannot be guarded sitting Terry Andy Mai Kim Bob Franco Yamazaki Cheng Tung Laurence Awful Abuse of Line Sway If you are fast enough to line sway right after you get the opponent on the ground, try lining up (or down) right on your opponent (on the opposite line of course). Right when the opponent gets up, do the C line attack. The direction of guard in this situation becomes very severe, and in most cases (human cases, not against CPU) the C attack will hit, leaving a chance for a fierce combo. If the opponent line rolls, throw them. To use this tactic, you will need to use a move which leaves you free to move right after the opponet falls on the ground, like Andy's Quicksilver Elbow or Mai's Dragon's Flame tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hidden EX Characters In RBS, there is a way to get a "Shadow" version of certain characters. So far only 4 have been confirmed, and in most cases the characters become masocists or Sadistic. Just looking at their faces in the victory screen tells the whole story. (Look in the "Author's Note" section for more details.) The characters who can be "EX" ed: Andy Has old moves from RBFF, has a smile on his face and isn't a Goody-goodie anymore. Billy Plays similar to Billy in RBFF, same moves including SDM & Counters. He has no pupils, he has stitches on the side of his face, he calls himself (VS) Geese's dog, and he finds himself similar to Yamazaki. Mary Plays similar to Mary in FF3 except for her DM. Looks wicked and talks evil, like the way the 2P color Nakokruru usually does. Likes beating up Terry to hear his screams. Tung Plays similar to Tung in FFS. How to get EX Characters To get the "EX" version of a character, go to the character select screen and do the following: 1- Put the cursor on one of the four characters. 2- Hold on the Start button. Never let go of it. 3- Press B, B, C, C 4- Hold on the B button. Never let go of it, just like the Start Button. 5- Wait for at least half a second and hold on the C button. Never let it go of it, like the Start and B button. 6- Finally, Press A or D, depending on the color you want (1P or 2P). 7- Voila, you got the "EX" character. You can now let go of the 3 buttons. --Character Outlines ---------------------------- Wolfgang Krauser Krauser Considers himself to be an artist just like Mozart or Van Gough. Thus he searches for the ultimate masterpiece to beat up on. Tung Fue Rue After the death of Jeff Bogard, Tung decides never to retire. But for what reason...? Cheng Chinzan In the old days when Cheng was learning under Tung, Cheng took advantage of his well known martial arts and lost purposely on a Street Fight match which was prohibited by his teacher. Although he became dirty rich by betting on the other opponent, from that day on Cheng's reality of the world became money itself. Laurence Blood After crushing too many living organisms with his bare hands, Laurence who was once a hero of Spain became a symbol of hatred among the citizens. Krauser Took an interest in the mad matador and made Laurence his right arm. Terry Bogard Although Terry started to learn the Martial arts out of his hatred towards Geese who killed his adoptive father Jeff, he now fights in order to make true friendships out of opponents. Perhaps he is just looking for true love. Andy Bogard Andy who just loves to practice and practice his martial arts came to a point where he can read the opponent's mind like... uh, a gradeschool reader (ohh, that's bad. And unoriginal too). But he has yet to beat his big brother Terry who doesn't have a mind to read. (Ok, bad joke. He's just undecryptable like the Dead sea scrolls, that's all!) Joe Higashi Joe who is seen by the adults as wacky and immature is seen as a hero from the kids in Thai who are fed by him. But the only thing he's thinking during his match is how cool he's looking, even when he's being punched right in his face. Mai Shiranui Unlike the diligent Andy, Mai doesn't give a rat's ass about her Ninjitsu, and she refuses to learn from her elders because they are all old geezers. Mochizuki Sokaku After seeking for evil all across the globe, Sokaku found it in 3 scrolls which were owned by Geese. Fortunately the scrolls were burned by Geese already. UNfortunately, since Sokaku fought too much using his dark force to try to get possession of the scrolls, he, little by little, started to become evil itself... Bob Wilson Ever since getting hired by Richard Meyer to manage Pao Pao Cafe #2, for some reason Bob seems to be fighting more than before. Perhaps Richard and Bob's intention isn't to make a living from restaurants, but to teach the whole world a hurtful lot with their Kapoeira. Hon-Fu A supercop in Hon-Kong, Hon-Fu is well known by the citizens there. He never carries a gun, not because he doesn't need it but because he'll never be able to hit the criminal. Then again perhaps he doesn't need a gun at all, for Hon-Fu is a master in Kunchuck combat. Ryuji Yamazaki Ever since taking revenge of his Mafia bro', Yamazaki just couldn't forget the taste of blood, the noise of bones cracking, the sounds of muscle parts ripping, and the scream of agony as his subject of torture had his knee disk scraped out of his body together with his bare skin.To experience the Kodak moment one more time, Yamazaki enters his fight. Jin Chon-Shu & Chon-rei Ever since FF3, the two normally peaceful twin bothers sometimes become unconscious and wake up with blood all over, remembering nothing that ever happened. Their participation to RBS may be one of those cases (As well as FF3 and RBFF...). Duck King In his childhood Duck was a pretty strong kid, but he was beaten by a blondie. Later in his life he found out that it was Terry, the Southtown Hero. Up to today Duck still Practices in order to beat him at least once, and make it on time to the dance floor as a famous pro. Kim Kaphwan His love towards his Country made Kim a Tai-quan-do machine. Together with his hatred towards evil, Kim just may kick himself to victory. Franco Bash Ever since his comeback from retirement as a famous kick boxer, Franco... changed. Perhaps it was the fumes from the airport. Strong at heart as well as muscles, Franco no longer had any opponents in the squared circle. Thus he decided it was time to step out of the ring and into the wide world of street fighting. Billy Kane In a Town where the strong live and the weak die off, Geese was Billy's ultimate idol. As time passed Billy became Geese's right arm, and although he is as strong as the world's top two nutzoids Joe and Yamazaki, he stays in second place because of his loyal oath to Geese. Blue Mary Receiving blood from a martial arts family, Mary showed great strength in Command Sambo despite her small and not-so-strong-looking physique. When a human body comes into her grasp, it breaks intopieces like a windowsill during the LA Riot. To study the weakest points of the body is what makes her a pro in her job as a secret agent, but the ability to use her studies in daily life is what makes her top class. --SPECIAL MOVES--------------------------------- The following is the complete list of special moves, except for the EX characters. Abbreviations- Fwd- Forward Dwn- Down The above two are sometimes combined. -NEW CHARACTERS------------------------------------------------ Wolfgang Krauser Biltz Ball (Upper / Under) 1/4 Circle Backward + A or C Leg Tomahawk (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Forward + B Dangerous Throw 1/2 Circle Forward + A Near Opponent LiftUp Blow 1/2 Circle Backward + B Near Opponent Phoenix Counter Throw (Special & Jump Attacks) 1/2 Circle Forward + C DM Kaiser Wave Back(Hold), UpFwd, + BC (Hold for 3 levels of power up) (Level1: Normal Wave) (Level2: Stronger Wave) (Level3: Line-hit Wave) SDM Gigantec Cyclone 1/2 Circle Backward, Fwd, DwnFwd, Down + C Near Opponent SDM #2 Deadly Rave(?) 1/2 Circle Backward, Fwd, + A, A, B, C, B, C, A, B, C, 1/4 Circle Backward+AC or 1/2 Circle Backward, Fwd, + A, A, B, C, B, C, A, B, C, C, C or 1/2 Circle Backward, Fwd, + A, A, B, C, B, C, A, B, C, 1/2 Circle Backward x2 + C ------------------------------------------------- Tung Fue Rue Step Fist 1/4 Circle Backward + A or C Thousand Kick (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Spit projectile 1/4 Circle Forward + A Feirce Show-ha Dwnback(Hold), Fwd + C Super Taunt Rapid buttons during taunt. DM Senpu-Gouken Fwd, DwnFwd, Down, Up + C SDM Geki-Hou Fwd, Back, Dwnback, Down, DwnFwd + C (Hold to power up) ------------------------------------------------- Cheng Chinzan Dropping Projectile 1/4 Circle Forward + A Anti-air Projectile Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + A Ground Roll (Breakshot on C) Back(Hold), Fwd + A or C Tummy Float Down(Hold), Up + A Tummy Counter 1/2 Circle Backward + B DM Electric drop Dwnback(Hold), Down, Fwd + BC SDM Floating Cannon Fwd, DwnFwd, Down, Dwnback, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Laurence Blood Bloody Saber 1/4 Circle Forward + A (Can be done 3 times in a row) Bloody Spin (Breakshot on C) Back(Hold), Fwd + A or C Ole Dodge A + B Bloody Axel 1/4 Circle Forward + A or C Bloody Cutter A, B or C from Bloody Axel Bloody Shooter 1/4 Circle Backward + A or B or C from Bloody Axel Bloody Press Back or Fwd + C (near opponent) from Bloody Axel DM Bloody Flash DwnFwd, 1/2 Circle Forward, Dwnback + BC SDM Final Death Bloody Down, DwnFwd, 1/2 Circle Backward + C -MAIN CHARACTERS------------------------------------------------ Terry Bogard Burn Knuckle 1/4 Circle Backward + A or C Power Dunk (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Power Wave 1/4 Circle Forward + A Round Wave 1/4 Circle Forward + C Passing Sway 1/4 Circle Forward + D Power Charge Back, Fwd, Fwd + A Rising Tackle Down(Hold), Up + A DM Power Geyser 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + BC SDM Triple Geyser 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Andy Bogard Quicksilver Elbow Dwnback, Fwd + A or C Ku-ha-dan (Breakshot) Dwnback, 1/4 Circle Forward + B Shou-ryu-dan Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + C Hishou-ken 1/4 Circle Backward + A Explosion Quake 1/2 Circle Backward + C DM Chou-reppa-dan Down(Hold), DwnFwd, Fwd + BC SDM Zanei reppa Dwnback, 1/4 Circle Forward + C ------------------------------------------------- Joe Higashi Explosion Punches A Rapid Explosion Finisher 1/4 Circle Forward + A from Explosion Punches Slash Kick Dwnback, Fwd + B or C Tiger Kick (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Golden Heel 1/4 Circle Backward + B Pressure knee Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + C Hurricane Uppercut 1/2 Circle Backward + A Explosion Hurricane 1/2 Circle Backward + C DM Screw Uppercut Fwd, Back, Dwnback, Down, DwnFwd + BC SDM Sliding Screw Uppercut Fwd, Back, Dwnback, Down, DwnFwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Mai Shiranui Fan Throw 1/4 Circle Forward + A Gale Fan (Can be does 4 times in a row) 1/4 Circle Backward + C Flaming Dragon tail (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Backward + A Fire Replicas Down(Hold), Up + C Mussasabi Fly Down + AB in Air Ankle Tackle 1/2 Circle Forward + C Triangle Jump UpFwd, At edge of screen DM Flaming Ankle tackle Fwd, Dwnback, Fwd + BC SDM Crimson explosion Fwd, Dwnback, Fwd + C -CHARAS AFTER FF3, ETC------------------------------------------- Sokaku Mochizuki Replica stick blow A rapid Replica Stick Finisher Fwd + C or DwnFwd + C or Dwnback + C or UpFwd + C from Replica Stick Blow Demonic Punches Fwd, Back, Fwd + C Spike Throw 1/4 Circle Forward + A Petite Sokakus (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Backward + A Electricity Shots Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Demonic Piledriver 1 Circle + C Near Opponent Barrier 1/2 Circle Backward + B Flame Float 1/4 Circle Backward + D Throw #2 Back + B Near Opponent Hell Gate Back, Dwnback, Down + C from Throw #2 DM Super Lightening Elemental Fwd, DwnFwd, 1/4 Circle Forward + BC SDM Splatter Shot (Unguardable) Fwd, DwnFwd, 1/4 Circle Forward + C ------------------------------------------------- Bob Wilson Rolling Turtle 1/4 Circle Backward + B Monkey Dance (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B SideWinder 1/4 Circle Backward + C Bison Horn Down(Hold), Up + C Wild Wolf Back(Hold), Fwd + B Hornet Attack DwnFwd, DwnFwd + C from Throw Frog Hunting Back, Fwd, Fwd + BC from Frog Hunting DM Dangerous Wolf Fwd, 1/2 Circle Forward + BC SDM Madspin Wolf 1/4 Circle Backward x 2 + C ------------------------------------------------- Hon-Fu Kulong's Prediction 1/2 Circle Forward + C Flaming Knunchucks (Breakshot on C) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + A or C Aerical Smasher 1/4 Circle Backward + B Berserker Knunchucks 1/4 Circle Backward + A Rapid (Stop pressing to hit dick) Berserker Flip 1/4 Circle Backward + C Rolling Headbutt Dwnback(Hold), Fwd + B Finishing headbutt C rapid after Rolling Headbutt DM Explosion Roll 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + BC SDM Kadentsa's Storm 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Ryuji Yamazaki Snake arm (Up, Middle, Down) 1/4 Circle Backward + A or B or C Multi-directional Snake Arm Hold onto button for a while after snake arm Knife Slash (Breakshot) Fwd, Dwnback, Fwd + A Sadomaso 1/2 Circle Forward + B Projectile Reflector 1/4 Circle Forward + C (Hold on to reflect or release quickly to power up) Explosion Headbutt Fwd, Back, Down, Up + C DM La Guilotinne Fwd, DwnFwd, Down, Dwnback, Fwd + BC SDM La Drill 1 Circle + C Near Opponent Rapid repeat C for 4 Different levels of strength (Level1: Combo A) (Level2: Combo B) (Level3: 8 straight HeadButts) (Level4: 21 killer Snake Arms) + Headbutts ------------------------------------------------- Jin Chonshu Elbow Smash Fwd, Fwd + A Emperor's Teleport (Same place, Air, Opponent's Back) 1/2 Circle Backward + A or B or C (Can be done in air) (Breakshot on C) Twisting Uppercut Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + A or C Energy Ball 1/4 Circle Forward + A or C Aerial Energy Ball Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B DM Soul Stealer 1/4 Circle Backward, Fwd + BC (Can be done in air) SDM Emperor's Fury 1/4 Circle Backward, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Jin Chonrei Elbow Smash Fwd, Fwd + A Extended Elbow Smash Fwd, Fwd, Fwd + A Twisting Uppercut (Breakshot on C) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + A or C Energy Ball (Hold on for 5 levels of Power -up) 1/4 Circle Forward + C Ground Roll 1/4 Circle Forward + B Projectile Reflector 1/4 Circle Backward + B Soul Stealer 1/4 Circle Backward, Fwd + C DM Neo Emperor's Fury Fwd, Back, Dwnback, Down, DwnFwd + BC SDM Emperor's Rage Fwd, Back, Dwnback, Down, DwnFwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Duck king Headspin Attack 1/4 Circle Forward + A or C Dancing Dive (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Backward + B Flying Spin Attack 1/4 Circle Backward + A in air Neo Break Storm Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Cross Head-spin 1/4 Circle Backward + D Aerial DuckFake Down x 2 in Air Ground Duckfake DwnFwd + C during dash DM Break Spiral 1/2 Circle Forward, UpFwd, Down + BC Near Opponent SDM Duck Dance Down x 2 + ABC (Hold down for maximum effect) After SDM... Rolling Punisher (DM#2) Back(Hold), Fwd, Back, Fwd + BC ???????????????? (DM#3) 1/4 Circle Forward x 2 + BC in Air Duck Deadly Rave 1/2 Circle Backward, Fwd, + A, A, B, C, B, C, A, B, C, C, C from MAX Duck Dance (Unconfirmed) ------------------------------------------------- Kim Kaphwan Crecent Slice 1/4 Circle Backward + B or C Air Twister (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + A Flip Kick Down(Hold), Up + B Stomper Down in Air + B Crime Sweeper DwnFwd + A from Stomper Energy Kick 1/4 Circle Backward + A DM Phoenix Stomp 1/2 Circle Forward + BC SDM Phoenix Combo 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------- Franco Bash Zapper 1/4 Circle Forward + A Double Gong (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Backward + A Weaving Blow 1/2 Circle Forward + BC Golden Bomber Dwnback(Hold), Fwd + C Guts Dunk 1/4 Circle Forward, UpFwd + B Barom Punch A + B DM Megaton Screw 1/4 Circle Backward, Dwnback, Fwd + BC SDM Aarmagedon Buster 1/2 Circle Backward + C ------------------------------------------------- Billy Kane Stick Attack Back(Hold), Fwd + A Flamer Stick Back, Fwd + C from Stick Attack Stick Twists A Rapid Dragon Flame (Breakshot) 1/4 Circle Backward + B Vertical stick attack 1/4 Circle Backward + A DM Flaming Tornado Stick Down, DwnFwd, 1/2 Circle Backward + BC SDM Death Tornado Down, DwnFwd, 1/2 Circle Backward + C ------------------------------------------------- Blue Mary Straight Slicer Back(Hold), Fwd + B Sting Fang Back, Fwd + B after Straight Slicer Vertical Arrow (Breakshot) Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Mary Snatcher Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B After Vertical Arrow hits Spin Fall 1/4 Circle Forward + A Bashoot Elbow Fwd x 2 + C from Throw Backdrop Real DwnFwd x 2 + AB Near Opponent Counter Throw (Normal Attacks) 1/4 Circle Backward + B Counter Throw (Special & Jump Attacks) 1/4 Circle Backward + C DM Mary Splash Rose Fwd, 1/2 Circle Forward + BC SDM Mary Typhoon Fwd, 1/2 Circle Forward + C Near Opponent ------------------------------------------------- Ex. Tung Fue Rue Old Step Fist 1/4 Circle Backward + A or C Thousand Kick Dwnback(Hold), UpFwd + B near opponent Old Geki-Hou Rapid C Old Show-ha Dwnback(Hold), Fwd + C DM Senpu-Gouken Fwd, DwnFwd, Down, Up + BC SDM Fwd, DwnFwd, Down + C ------------------------------------------------- Ex. Andy Neo Quicksilver Elbow Dwnback, Fwd + A Flaming FlipKick Back, Down, Dwnback + B Neo Geki- Hishouken 1/4 Circle Backward + C Spider tackle ????????? DM Chou-reppa-dan Down(Hold), DwnFwd, Fwd + BC SDM Neo Zanei reppa Dwnback,1/4 Circle Forward + C ------------------------------------------------- Ex. Billy Stick Attack Back(Hold), Fwd + A Flamer Stick Back, Fwd + C from Stick Attack Stick Twists A Rapid Old Dragon Flame (Special & Jump Attacks) 1/4 Circle Backward + B Dragon Buster (Normal Attacks) 1/4 Circle Backward + C Vertical stick attack 1/4 Circle Backward + A DM Flaming Tornado Stick Down, DwnFwd, 1/2 Circle Backward, UpBack, + BC SDM Scarlet Uppercut Fwd, DwnFwd, Down + C ------------------------------------------------ Ex. Blue Mary Old Straight Slicer Back, Fwd + B Mary CrabClutch Neutral, 1/2 Forward + B from Old Straight Slicer Old Mary Snatcher Fwd, Down, DwnFwd + B Mary Spider ????????? + C Mary Dodge A + B Neo Backdrop Real 1/2 Circle Backward from Mary Dodge DM Old Mary Typhoon Fwd, 1/2 Circle Forward + C SDM ???????????????? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Multiple hit throws (Must be done near opponent) Cheng, Joe, Hon-fu DownFwd + C Billy Forward + B High hit moves (Must be guarded upwards, not crouching) Cheng, Yamazaki Forward + A Krauser Forward + BC Terry Forward + C during Dash Duck, Chon-shu Back + A Kim Forward + B Line push moves (Pushes opponent to opposite line) Back + B -Joe Back + A -Mai A + B -Cheng Forward + B -Laurence, Terry, Franco Anti Aerial Attacks DownFwd + A -Tung, Andy, Joe, Terry, Sokaku, Hon-fu, Yamazaki, EX Mary Sliders DownFwd + B -Joe DownFwd + C -Duck, Chon-shu Aerial Throw DownBack or Down or DownFwd + C in Air Laurence, Mai, Sokakau, Bob, Duck Ground Attack Down + C -Krauser, Joe, Sokaku, Hon-fu, Duck, Billy, EX Mary Up + C -Mary, Bob, Yamazaki Wakeup Attack C Before getting up Mai, Franco, Yamazaki, Bob Etc. Laurence- DownBack or Down or DownFwd + A in Air Krauser- Down + C in Air Andy- Forward + B Joe- Back + A Bob- Forward + A During Dash Bob- Down + B in air Hon-fu- Forward + B Mary- Back + B Yamazaki- B + C in Air Chon-rei- Forward + B ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo Arts Also known as chain combos, each character in RBS can make multiple hits by pressing buttons in a certain order. Since these chains are made of normal moves, most of the times they can be comboed into special moves as well. Combo chart Terry, Andy, Joe, Kim, Tung, Hon-Fu, Chon-Rei, Billy (*1- Chon-Rei and Billy can't do this.) _________ _________ ___________ |A |-->|B |----->|C | |Down + A | --------- \ ----------- |B | _________ \ ________________ ____ |Down + B |-->|Down + B | \-->|Forward + C (*1)|->|Back| --------- --------- \ \ ---------------- | +C | \ \ _______________ ---- \ >|Down + C | -> |ForwardDown + C| --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo chart Yamazaki, Bob, Franco, Duck King, Krauser (*2- Duck only.) _________ _________ __________________ |A |-->|B |----->|C | |Down + A | --------- \ |Forward + C (<-*2)| |B | _________ \ ------------------ |Down + B |-->|Down + B | \ --------- --------- \ \ \ v_______________ \ |Down + C | >|ForwardDown + C| --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo chart Blue Mary, Sokaku (*3- Either 1st or 2nd hit in case of Blue Mary.) _____________ _________ ___________ |A |-->|B |----->|C | |Down + A | --------- \ |Forward C | |B(*3) | _________ \ ----------- |Down + B |-->|Down + B | \ ------------- --------- \ \ \ v_______________ \ |Down + C | >|ForwardDown + C| --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo Chart Mai _________ _________ ___________ |A |-->|A |----->|C | |Down + A | --------- | |Down + C | ---------\ | ----------- _________ \ | |B | v _________ | ___________ ____ |Down + B |-->|B |------>|Forward + C|->|Back| --------- |Down + B | ----------- | +C | --------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ Combo chart Cheng _________ _________ ___ ___________ |A |-->|B |----->|C |->|1/4 circle | |Down + A | --------- \ --- |Forward + C| |B | _________ \ ----------- |Down + B |-->|Down + B | \ --------- --------- \ \ \ v_______________ \ |Down + C | >|ForwardDown + C| --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo chart Chon-shu (*4- All of Chon-shu's 1st and 2nd hits are two hit attacks. They can be comboed to the next move in either hits.) _________ _________ |A |---->|A | ______________ |Down + A | | |Down +A |-->|C | --------- | --------- |Down + C | _________ | _________ |DownForward +C| |B | v |B |--> -------------- |Down + B |---->|Down + B | --------- --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Combo chart Laurence _________ _________ ___________ |A |---->|A |---->|C | |Down + A | | --------- | ----------- --------- | _________ | ___________ ____ _________ |->|B |---->|Forward + C|->|BACK| |B | | --------- | ----------- | +C | |Down + B | | _________ V ___________ ---- --------- ---->|Down + B |---->|Down + C | --------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ETCs... (Dwn = Down, Fwd = Forward) Terry A, C DwnFwd + A, C, C, C, Fwd + C Dwn + A, Dwn + C Andy DwnFwd + A, C, C, C, Fwd + C Joe A, C Back + A (either hit), C, C, C, Fwd + C B, C, C, 1/4 circle forward + C Kim C (1st hit), C, F + C, Fwd Dwn DwnFwd + A Tung DwnFwd + A, C, F + C Hon-Fu DwnFwd + A, C, C Chon-Rei A, C C (1st hit), C, Dwn + C, 1/4 circle forward + C Billy A, C Dwn + A, C Dwn + C (1st hit), C, 1/4 circle forward + C Yamazaki A, C Fwd + A, C, C, C, C, Back + C Bob C (1st hit), C, Up + C C (1st hit), C, C, Up + C C (1st hit), C, C, C, Fwd + C DwnFwd + A, Dwn + B, Dwn + C Franco A, C C (1st hit), C, C, C, Fwd + C Duck King C (1st hit), Dwn + C(2 hits) x 2, Dwn DwnFwd Fwd UpFwd + B Krauser A, C C, C (1st hit), 1/4 circle forward + C Blue Mary A, C C (1st hit), C, C, Back Fwd + B Sokaku C (1st hit), C (either hit), Dwn + C x 3 (*5) (*5- Make sure you let go of the "Down" each time before you do the next command.) Mai Dwn + A, Dwn + C C (either hit), C, C, Dwn + C Cheng A, C C (1st hit), C, Fwd + C, Back Fwd + C Chon-shu C (1st hit), C, C, Fwd Back + C Laurence A, C C (1st hit), C, C, C, Fwd + C ------------------------------------------------------------------ Endings The ending to every character is a quick skit cheaply made out of the big sprites used in the VS screens. The skit lasts about 10 seconds, then a very long (and unskippable) credits scroll can be seen, with little sketches like those in Fatal Fury Special . There seems to be over 20 varieties. Terry Takes Mary out to a secret place, like a date. Andy Gets taken to somewhere by Mai, like a honeymoon, with Joe shouting from the back. Mai Takes Andy to somewhere, like a honeymoon. Yamazaki Takes rule over Hong-Kong, Cheng shaking in the back. Mary Gets taken somewhere secret by Terry, like a date. Kim Finds Yamazaki and decides to "Re-educate" him with his kicks while he pleads for mercy. Krauser Looks for a fighter to waste his energy on, and finds Laurence, shaking and sweating. Billy Argues with Duck about what kind of music is best. EX Billy Talks to his stick like his girlfriend and calls it Catherine. Mai comes over and tells him it's gross, then he changes the name of his stick to Mai. Mai naturally freaks out. EX Mary Evil Mary decides to make Terry her new puppy, but Terry freaks out and runs away. Joe comes over to take his place, but Mary refuses because he's already a dog to begin with. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dream or Nightmere? Geese is Back! Geese Howard is Back as a hidden character. Although the conditions to his appearance is still uncertain, the following are the assumptions concluded at the current time. 1- The player must finish off the game up to Krauser with No Losses. 2- The player must score over 750000 by the time Krauser is defeated. 3- The player must score over "S" at least once, and never score a "C". If the three conditions set above are fulfilled, the player should see a screen with the words "Nightmere" instead of the usual "congratulations" screen, and fight with Geese is a stage similar to that in FFS. His background music is an arranged version from FFs as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES --Forenote-- First up, for those of you who's thinking of skipping these notes because you've read them in the previous FaQs, guess what, this stuff's been updated! Well folks, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Geez that's a long name, don't you think?) has been out for about one month now. The game seems to be floating in all the arcades now so there shouldn't be any problems playing it, except if you're in a country where NeoGeo access is hard to get. I've heard from an avid reader in Belgium that he probably won't be able to play it for another month or so... 1- Basic Gameplay A button = punch, B = kick, C = Fierce attack. You still have a POW meter and a double life bar like in RBFF. I've emphasized in my previous notes that this game is combo based, but I also find that guarding is a very effective action in RBS, especially since special moves don't scratch off much energy this time. So as much as people hate to throw (which reminds me of one particular compadre of mine who goes nuts every time he gets thrown), throwing seems to be a nessecity in this games. In RBS your opponent can't escape out once they're thrown, and they can't roll to the other line either. I've mentioned that the D can still change your direction in the air with the D button like RBFF, but there's one major difference. In RBFF, you were able to change direction after a small jump, which was a really cheap and quick way to end the game (as well as get people annoyed). This time you can only change directions in a normal or high jump, so that's been taken care of. Unfortunately the line system can be used cheaply (Check out #4 in the "Line System" section of this guidebook), so the system seems evened up, in a bad way. The POW system hasn't changed from RBFF. If you power up over half the bar you'll get "H-Power" which'll let you do a move called Break Shot, a catchy name for nothing but Guard canceling. If you power up to a full bar you'll get "S- Power" which is a DM, and if your life bar is blinking you'll be able to do a P- Power" in place, which is a SDM. Use of the Line-roll takes off 25% of the meter while Breakshot takes off 50%, and the DM/SDM takes off 100%. But don't hesitate using it because this time it builds up upon guarding as well. The rounds seem to end pretty fast because some of the combos and special moves take up colossal amounts of damage (i.e.: Kim's combo which can drain almost a full bar in 5 seconds, Mary's Straight Slicer"s", etc...). The meter turns red very quickly, but after that it seems to go down a lot slower, even on SDMs. There's only 8 Stages for the game, compared to the 19 character in the game. Terry, Duck and Mary shares the beach stage. Mai, Andy and Sokaku shares the Japan stage. Joe, Franco and Bob shares the Brazil stage. Cheng, Yamazaki and Hon-fu shares the Hong-Kong stage. Tung, Chon-shu shares the China stage. Kim and Cho-shu shares the Korea stage. Billy, Laurence and Krauser all hog a whole background to themselves in the order of English pop music stage, Entrance to Krauser's castle, and balcony of Krauser's Castle. Geese seems to have his old stage as well, but I've never gotten up to him myself. Perhaps what has been even more stunning to me than the hidden Geese Howard was the special "EX" characters I found out about just the day after I completed writing this Guidebook. Thanks to the local arcades (seven in all) which provides me with all these great infos, I had to rewrite portions of this Guidebook... again. But I have no regrets, mostly because the "EX" characters seem evil, and evil rules. The other reason why I don't regret writing about the Ex characters is since most of them seem pretty techninical so far as I've played them. ExAndy's eyes are wide opened, looks a bit posessed like by some creature from the X-Files, actually is smiling, and he looks a lot more like a ninja. In this EX version, Andy has no "Flying" projectiles (Remember KoF96' mon ami?) and his Neo Gei-hishouken doesn't hit the other line. He's lost his uppercut, but gained his old flaming flipkick from RBFF. His Quicksilver his 2 times once by his fist and second from his shadow which flys in front of him, and it looks way cooler than his normal one. Unfortunately it has a horrible recovery time and if you miss, you stand frozen for a while.By now you should realize... yup, beginner's shouldn't use Ex characters. Also, this pertains to the other 3 Ex characters as well, but his combo arts seem different from normal Andy's, as well as some of the normal moves. Billy has no pupils in his eyeballs (all white), he looks as though he's done some mad drugs, and he sounds like he's just come out of a mental hospital (note: all these stuff are from the victory screens, not from the fighitng screens). Yup, he's seriously sick, and he seems to enjoy beating up on kids too. Maybe they changed the English version a bit so they won't get sued by any associations.... who knows. Anyway, ExBilly seems to be almost identical to the Billy in RBFF, so he has his old SDM and his counters too. The only difference seems to be his DM, which is back to the FFS version. ....Guess what, he's probably stronger in his EX version than his normal state. As long as Billy users don't mind using a character who looks like a modern Frankenstein, take advantage of him. Ex Blue Mary looks more like Bloody Mary in the 1P color, and she has that purple color like 2P Nakoruru in the other. She also has a wicked smile on her face and what she says to Mai is totally different from her normal self. ExMary seemed somewhat mysterious to me at first, but then I realized her potentials. Her straight slicer is slow and it can easily be countered even after a hit, but it needs no "Holding" on the back to execute it, and there's a throw which can be added at the end, although it's hellishly hard to accomplish. Her Snatcher is an aerial grab and it rarely hits, but it can catch opponents as long as they are in the air, which means that you can grab them even right after a foot sweep. Her spider can be avoided just by jumping, but if it hits it takes about half a meter. And what makes Mary really strong is her Dodge, becuase not only is she totally invincible (funny, sometimes you get attacked tho'), you can throw from it if the opponent comes close. So that leaves Mary to be the most throw- based character in the game, but guess what, there's one thing I haven't written in this guidebook yet. No, it's not her SDM becuase I still don't know what it is, but it's a certain chain combo. Once you figure out what I'm talking about, then you'll truely learn why she may even be more of a throw based character than Street Fighter's Zangief. Oh, and her DM. It's mighty strong, like I mentioned before. EX Tung seems as strong as the normal one. His Geki-hou seems to be very useful not only as an anti-aerial attack, but also against... well, practically any move except line attacks and Yamazaki's Snake Arm. It works well against dash-moves like Terry's Burn-Knuckle and Andy's Elbow, and it also erases projectiles. Now on to "normal" characters- Terry- His voice is different. Ok so everyone's voices are different, but his power wave sounds a lot deep in throat than before. This time he appears with his jacket off, throws it in the air and lands it right on his body. His background music is back to the old one from FF2/FFS and his monkey's still present. Terry seems pretty strong. Although his Power Geyser doesn't hit the other line, it comes out pretty fast and seems tilted a bit to the front so there shouldn't be much problem hitting opponents. He still has his Round wave which hits the other line but goes nowhere, and now a new move called the Power Charge which tumbles the opponent long enough for a rising tackle, etc. The motion to his Triple Geyser changed, but he seems strong enough without it- both his normal and special moves drain life as much as they used to in RBFF. Andy He still has his lagtime-less special moves. His projectile comes out fast, flys fast, and he recovers fast from motion. Too bad it only reaches half a screen. In his new move he looks like he's homping his opponent to death. But then again so's Cheng's throw.. Joe I suppose it depends on the user, but Joe seems to be strong as well. I've seen a player get 13 wins in a row with him. His DM hits 6 times max and he hasn't lost any moves. His new move comes out slow, but it can still be used for combos. Mai Her costume is back to the sexy one in FFS/KoF, but mind all of you readers, she really isn't that revealing at all- in fact I'd say that her be-hind is more emphasized than her chest. Either way she still looks better (and more like a ninja than a Geish a girl) back in her old costume. Her 1st round victory pose is the traditional "Nippon Ichi!" while her 2nd round victory pose is new- she sits down on the ground exposing her legs and says 'Ochanoko-Sai sai!" which can be translated as "Peice of Cake!" in English. Mai seems strong, but not cheap, one reason being that her A attack is can no long hit crouching opponents. Her fire replica from RBFF & FF3 has totally been renewed and now not only is it strong from the sides like before, it totals anyone hovering over her (except if they're air-guarding) and it's invincible for a while. Her triple fan throw from RBFF has been replaced with uppercut fans which can be done multiple times(like Genjuro's triple slash move in SS3), and it finishes off with stabs of fans similar to that of Billy's special chain combo in RBFF. This uppercut fan of her goes flying in the air, so it might be effective as an anti-aerial move. Her DM is nowhere as useful as it once was: this time she goes flying diagonally into the air, so if you miss, you're Shish-ka-Mai. Her SDM isn't much of use either because although it's a throw = unguardable, even a stoned gerbil would be aware enough to dodge a girl flying 1 mph across the screen while shooting out pink shadows. Kim I'm sure that players remember his cheapness in RBFF where all you had to do was press the B and C buttons, no skill needed. Well guess what, he hasn't changed a bit. In fact he might be even worse now that there's the new line system. I've seen Kim hit the opponent 3-4 times on the same line, push them over to the opposite line, follow them up with a kick and finish off the combo with his crescent slice. Took practically a whole life bar. And yes, there was a player having a winning streak with him. Fortunately the guy was well-humored and forfeited after his stomach started to rumble. We have some weird players here, I guess. A Phoenix appears in his SDM, and his new move can erase projectiles. Duck He seems to have powered up a bit, but then again he wasn't so strong to begin with. Will his chick ever grow up? Duck's got himself a nice looking Combo Art this time, where he breakdances while going forward and then rises upwards into the air like his old move in FFS. Quite some people chose him than I had expected, but noone was good enough to win a full set. Duck's DM counts as a 16 hit combo now, and it does substantial damage. He's still got his dance for his SDM but it ends much quicker now. Billy His DM is still the same old fire roll, and it's still weak against line attacks. Billy's SDM hits twice in a swing upwards and then downwards, so even if you guard the first hit, if you stay guarded crouching down you'll be hit from the second one. Bob His new move comes out very fast, hits multiple times and must be guarded downwards. Just hitting the C button like crazy does good damage as a chain and it can be comboed. This is extremely unfair, because if Bob sees you guarding up he can combo the chain into his new move and hit you, if he sees you guarding down he can combo his chain into his DM which has to be guarderd upwards, and if you weren't lucky enough to guard, he can combo his chain into his SDM. When his somersault kick (Bison Horn) gets guarded, he flips all the way back to his edge of the screen, and not even Terry's crack shoot can counter it. In the beginning of the game, Bobby comes dashing from the opponents side of the screen (like Sakura from SFA2) while Richard Meyer waits for him. I've seen 3 of Bobby's victory poses, the most interesting one where he dances with Richard who plays the maracas. I've seen a player getting 22 in a row with him, and believe me he wasn't that good. Sure tells us something about video games, eh? Blue Mary I've only seen 2 people pick her, and one of them's me. I sucked, only being able to win a streak once and bringing disgrace to the name "blue" by dripping blood all over (yup, the blood's still in this game). Of course I've gotten better since then and I hit 10 in a row easily with her, together with Yamazaki. But the other guy, man was he good at using her (don't take it so literally)!!! He had excellent timing, but more than that he knew just the right moves to do at just the right time. Mary's spin fall can now be guarded while ducking (although it hits multiple times). And as though that wasn't enough, SNK took out Mary's main 5 hit combo. Luckily this dude was nice enough to show us how to use her in his 38 (whoa!!!!!) winning streak. First, the guy never used her spin-fall and did jumping fierces instead. More than that, if the opponent missed a move, he'd always stick in a straight slicer and add the sting fang (electric shock) and ground attack right after, taking away about 70% off the life bar just with that 3 hit. Her Vertical arrow can still hit twice and grab, and now it flys more sideways than before. Her new throw is useful too because of its long range and enablement of a ground attack right afterwards. And perhaps the most interesting thing is her new DM which is invincible in the beginning, is no longer a throw, goes through the opponent, has no recovery time but can easily be thrown. One funny problem about Mary's DM: once you hit the opponent she dashes left and right while doing attacks, but since she's not invincible during that time, she can still be hurt by some leftover residue. I've once seen her go right into a leftover of Cheng's floating projectile while she was in her motion. Franco Franco's moves take up a lot of damage, but they all come out very slowly. He takes his time doing his projectile as well. His Double-gong move has been totally renewed together with most of his graphics, and his new Guts-Dunk special seems to be a good anti-air defense. Sokaku His new move is mysterious- it doesn't do much damage and only erases the opponent's projectile, and sometimes his face looks like a Demon, or as one writer put it, Zankuro. His DM hits both lines and his SDM is slow, but unguardable. Hon-Fu He doesn't seem to have changed much from before, but his off-the-wall-and- back move has quicker recovery time. Thank goodness that his flaming knunchuck rises a lot higher than before so it can easily be countered, becuase in RBFF that was about the only move needed to win the game. Yamazaki He was another favorite character that people kept on using. Lucky for him, he didn't lose any moves at all. First up, his jump kick is much, much better now that it goes way sideways. As you all might know, he can now do his snake arm downwards like a foot sweep. Unfortunately its aim (up, down, or middle) has to be chosen by the button you execute the command in, so you can't wait for the opponent to make the first move like in RBFF. His Snake Arm cancel isn't as quick as like RBFF either. This time he shoots his arm in all 3 directions if you hold on the move for a while. This time you can control his projectile counter to reflect or just grab by the length of time you hold the C button. His knife slash looks renewed (really sticks it into the opponent). His DM hits from the beginning now so you can combo it from A-C, but since he takes his time to put his hand back in his pocket, so doing it while the opponent guards is a deathwish for combos. He's got a new throw where he head butts the opponent to flames, and his "Drill" SDM uses it a bit too. Chon-Shu His uppercut flys straight upwards, hits multiple times, and sucks the opponent inwards to his rotation. His SDM still looks the same as before... Chon-shu can DM from his jump as well as do his normal projectile or his warp. He seems like a warp-based character, even his Breakshot being it. Chon-rei Not a popular character at all. I thought that people would keep on using him to cheap out on the games, but he seemed to be powered down compared to RBFF. His projectile can be powered up for about 5 different levels by holding on to the button. His Quick-elbow move still doesn't throw the opponent afterwards like Chon-shu's, but I don't think he really needs it. His normal moves seem pretty good, and especially his jump fierce which he attacks with a energy-ball in his hands. His DM may look small compared to before, but it hits a pretty good range because of the slightly visible wave which surrounds it. Still comes out pretty slow and can't hit opponents in the other background. In fact I don't think any of the DMs can hit the opposite line. Cheng He has a nice looking wife who looks nothing like a tub of lard himself. A generous number of players (no beginners) picked him. Actually Cheng is a pretty interesting character to watch. He has an new counter-move in which he inflates like a balloon. If you hit him during his inflation, he bounces to the edge of the screen, ricochets and rolls back to hit the opponent. His ol' roll takes off a good portion of a life bar with only one hit (although its beginning isn't so fast), and his projectile/ DM still drops downwards. His SDM is no use because it can be line dodged.... He sounds just like Tung. Tung Remember him in FFS? Well... he still seems to suck. But not to despair, he can power up during his taunt! ...Okay, it's not that useful either. Actually Tung plays pretty strong when the computer uses him, but when it comes time for a human player to control your oldie-ness, noone had the keen reflexes like the CPU. He now has an Anti-aerial projectile which should help him out a lot. His old thousand-kick throw isn't a throw anymore, but it hits multiple times and jumps upwards. He still has his burn-knuckle and the "Show-ha!" move. Tung's DM is still the same, and I think that his SDM is a powered-up version of his anti-aerial-macho-replica move from FFS. Laurence I suppose Laurence is Krauser's right hand as Billy is to Geese. Anyway, Blood seems to be pretty useful, especially his DM which now hits multiple times and is much easier to execute than in FFS since it's the same as Geese's DM command. His bloody cutter (air cape) now takes 2 step to execute, and his new bloody saber move can be executed 3 times in a row (like Genjuro's triple slash from the SS series). Although it's still too hard to tell, I've tried using him once and he seems pretty strong. He can do the ol' dodge from FF2, which is also identical to the dodge in the KoF series. His ol' Bloody Cutter ( air cape attack) can be altered to a knife throw or a throw so you can fly over to your opponent who's guarding for a expected cape attack and throw them instead... His SDM is Bloody slow, but the computer loves falling for it. Every one of his special moves has the word "Bloody" in it, including his SDM which has the most corniest name I've heard of : Final Death Bloody. Is Luarence Gay? When fighting against particular not-so-muscular- guys, his taunt is a love call.... with a throw of a Rose. When Laurence loses, he says "Adios!" Krauser He looks totally out of place... in his own castle. Let's face it, SNK's trying to make a total bafoon out of him. His background music isn't the requiem anymore (damn), but it's still classic and it sounds nowhere as muffled & mono as his ol' music on the cartridge version of FF2/S & KoF96'. It matches his stage very well, but not himself. Krauser has his own version of Geese's Deadly Rave, which I haven't been able to complete yet. There seems to be 3 different ways of doing it, and i've seen at least one where he ends it with his Gigatec Cyclone. He has a special combo very similar to billy's multiple hit stick in RBFF. His Blitz balls are extremely fast, his Kaiser Wave can be powered up 3 levels, and at its maximum it can hit the opposite line. His SDM is a throw, but it has a extremely wide range. I was right, BJ Love is doing his voice again. Krauser's regained his ol' "I'll chizzle your Gravestone..." voice when he comes out as the last boss, but he sounds like an evil warlord compared to the time back in FF2/S where he sounded like a Royal Kaiser. Personally I think his new one is definitely different, but I enjoy it. An opera singer (female) can be seen in the beginning of his stage. His Counter throw only works against jump attacks and special moves. He's also 2 new throws one which is a rehash of his "throw high and punch up") and the other which stus the opponent for a while so you can combo them. I've seen 4 victory poses for Krauser as well as Mary. One's where he pulls his hand from the air just like KoF96, second's where he puts his cape back one, third's where he mumbles some stuff (hope he's saying "You were good..."), and the last's where he shoots a ray of energy out of his body like Chon-shu in FRRB. His underhand Blitz ball now has to be guarded ducking, and his Kaiser Wave comes out fast enough that he can hit the opponent right after he sees them jump. His SDM resembles that of Bob's from RBFF, where he floats up while twirling (except in Krauser's case, it's really a throw). All this makes him sound pretty invincible but normally his DM can easily be avoided with the line dodge AND be countered right afterwards, but even more his big physique makes him a sandbag for Combos. Extra Stuff There's lots of extra stuff inside the game that Fatal Fury fans would just love, especially the jigs that takes place before and after the fight. Here's a list of the stuff I've seen so far: 1- Terry and Mary In the beginning of the match, Mary's dog runs over to Terry's monkey, Terry's monkey does a Power Geyser and hops on to Mary's dog and they run out of the screen together. Sometimes the monkey missing landing on the dog and hops out of the screen by itself. Jubei sometimes makes an appearance too, flying. 2- Joe Hwa Jai comes out in his Victory pose. 3- Kim When he loses the last round, his 2 sons come out and steps to their father, angrily looking at the victor. Also, Choi and Chan from KoF makes a special appearance in the right edge of his stage flying sometimes when the match is set. 4- Kim and Yamazaki Hon-Fu comes out for a second to arrest Yamazaki, but Kim tells him to step back and he disappears. 5- Cheng When he loses, his wife comes out and looks at her beaten up husband, startled. 6- Yamazaki Depending on the opponent, he comes out with Hwa Jai dead in his hand. Some of the animation from RBFF seems to be cut out while some other parts of the game has more. For instance, Mary's hair doesn't fall down with animation when she loses, but her victory poses has a lot of more frames than before. All the projectiles seems to be much well animated and actually looks like a leash of energy than a huge yellow M&M. If you compare the game to the old Fatal Fury special, you'll know where that 394 megs went. Sincerely written in Jan. 19. 1997', Howlin' Mad -H- If you have any questions or comments, send an e-mail to my long and exhaustive address. Again, this Guidebook is free for distribution but do not alter any part of it. Ok, keep that memorized! AfterNotes Geese is hidden in the game, and he has quite some new voices. I've sent most of them out to the net, so if you're lucky you might be albe to find his voices on a wave file. There has been few points about this game which really disappointed me, so here I go: 1- No special stuff when winning/ losing I've played the game a lot during the past week, and there's not much extra stuff when you lose. FF3/RB had a zoom-in when you were pushed off the screen, RBFF had quick skits had you been pushed out of ring, and for the latest in Sam Sho', there was a "Fatality" imitation. So far there's really noone of that in this game. You don't even see the loser beaten up when you win. 2- Game play too short Although the game seems very balanced, each round ends very quickly cuz' there's so many chances to attack the opponent, thanx to the new line system. Also, it seems like this game was made very specifically for versus humans. When playing the computer, there's ONLY 8 fights or so, where the last 2 are always Laurence and Krauser. This is worse than FF2 folks. The first enemy can be chosen, and you go rotating the remaining stages. Thus you can't meet up with 2 (or more) characters who share the same stages. This means that if you pick Andy as your first enemy, you'll never meet up with Mai since they Both share the Japan stage. 3- Extra stuff only happens on 2P As I said previously, this game was really meant to be played human versus human. so, you won't see that much special openings when you fight the computer. BUT there are special openings meant just for VS CPU too, like the scrolling in the USA stage or Krauser's "I'll chizzle your gravestone, sleep well..." voice in the last stage. 4- Bad Ending, good skit The endings are not worth playing the game for. You have big sprites (movable pictures), the same ones used in the "VS" screen, talking 5 or so sentences to each other and that's all. But there's one good thing about the ending- remember the skits that took place in FFS during the credits roll? Well it's back and powered up, plus there's a whole number of them now (I'm guess ing 20 or so). One last thing. Here's a list of current Items that I sent out and should be Lurking around the Net'--- 1- 28 Pics of Screen shots of RBS (Pic series 1) 2- 16 more new Screen shots of RBS (Pic series 2) 3- 4 Wave files of character voices, includes rare samples of Terry, Andy, Joe, Mai, Mary, Cheng, Tung, Billy, Laurence, Yamazaki, Krauser and not to mention Geese. 4- FaQ, Which you're reading this moment. There's a text version and a MSWrite version. The MSWrite version is of course better with arrows replacing command symbols, and pictures of the game as well as some of the voice actors. Geese's voice actor looks witty as the character himself! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----MUSIC INFO---- Characters With Arranged background music from FF2/FFS Terry Joe Billy Cheng Tung Geese Howard Characters With Arranged background music from FF3/RBFF Andy Sokaku Bob Yamazaki Duck Characters with new background music Mai Hon-Fu Blue Mary Franco Kim Laurance ETC... Chon-shu & Chon-rei- In FF3/RB, Chon-shu had Pandora's Box #1, and Chon-rei had #2. This time they both share Pandora's Box #3. Krauser- Has same Mozart's Requiem K626 But last time it was Diaz Eres (misspell), and this time it is Lacrimosa. NOTEABLE VOICES Announcer -Character select screen (Beginning) "Hey, how's it going dude! And let's begin!" "Choose your favorite character!" -After choosing "Your first opponent is bad! Be tough or be dead big guy! Ready, go!" -Vs Billy (CPU) "Next comes- wow, looks tough and very angry!" -VS Laurence (CPU) "Pull yourself together! This opponent looks ready to kill!" "Stay tough, and good luck!" -Nightmere (Vs Geese) "Wow, who can this be? Let's get down to business!" -CPU cleared 1 "Well done, you've swept blood and came a long way! Now kick back champ, till' we meet again! Stay cool!" -CPU cleared 2 "Well done, you've come a long way! But don't rest on your lowrolls yet. A world of roughnecks awaits!" -Continue? Screen "Too bad! You want to give it another try? you might win this time! Trust yourself!" -Game Over (CPU not cleared) "Aaaw, game over man! Try again? no? Oh, then see you later man!" -Terry "Let's party!" "G... Geese!!!" "Yoshi! OK!" (Ok in Japanese, Ok in English.) "All right!" "Hey, C'mon C'mon!" "OverHeat!" (SDM) -Andy "Zenryoku de iku yo!" (I'm coming with all my strength!) "Ohisashi buri desu, Tan sen-sei!" (It's been a long while, master Tung.) "Geese!" -Joe "Sakusaku ikuze!" (Let's finish it off quickly!) "Mou owari kayo! Tate!" (Finished already? Get up!) "Yappa ore wa tensai dawa!" (Yea, I'm a genious!) "Koredemo kurae--!" (Eat this!) -Mai "Kakkate ratshai!" (Come at me!) "Ote-yawaraka ni-ne!" (Go easy on me!) "Ocha-noko sai sai!" (Piece of cake!) "Choushi-ni nottcha dameyo!" (Don't get your hopes too high!) "Fuu, Kimochii!" (Ohh that feels great!) "Ho-ra, ganbatte!" (Hey, good luck!) "Hitotsu, Futatsu, mitsu, yotsu, itsutsu..." (One, two, three, four, five...) -Sokaku "Joubutsu mesarei!" (You shall exorcise!) "Namuamidabutsu!" (Ritual chant.) "Sadame ja!" (It is fate!) "Saraba ja!" (Farewell!) "Meido no miyage ja!" (Gift for you to hell!) "Funuke ga!" (Incompetent fool!) -Bob "Ittadaki!" (Got it!) "Anata denaoshite kudasai!" (Go home and try again bub!) "Doko miten dayo!" (Where are you looking?) "Step one-two chestou--!!" (DM) -Hon-Fu "Kakugoha yokane!" (Ready for your fate?) "Ki, kimatta!" (I, I did it!) "annta, nakanaka yatta bai!" (Hey, you're pretty strong!) "Hanashi ni naran cha!" (You're nothing to talk about!) "Ware nagara sugokaa!" (Am I good or what?) "Dogyan shitanoka nay?" (Hey what's up?) "Nobosunnna!" (Don't have your nose too high up!) "Seikuu rekka conn!" (Air-controlling-fire-stick, literary.) "Tsuyokaaa!" (Too strong!!!) -Blue Mary "Are you ready?" "Let's go!" "Common' Anton!" (Anton = name of dog) "Miss me Anton?" "Bye, see you!" "Kiss me! OK?" "Good good good!" "Mary's Typhoon!" (SDM) "I shall return!" (2nd round Loss) "Atashi ni kateru?" (Can you win against me?) "Motto tsuyoku narinasai." (Become more stronger.) "Kakatte kinasai yo!" (Hey, c'mon at me!) -Franco Bash "Come on!" "Aarmagedon buster!" "Oh my God!" -Yamazaki "Kono Zako ga!" (Puny ass!) "Kudaranay!" (What a joke!) "Hyaku nen hae--n dayo!" (You're a hundred years too young to fight me!) "Mono tari-nay na!" (I'm not satisfied!) "Nigen-na yo!" (Don't even try to run away!) "Iteen dayo!" (It hurts!) "Ameeen dayo!" (Too easy!) "Okiro kora!" (Wake up moron!) "Ikuzo, ikuzo, ikuzo!" (I'm comin', I'm comin, I'm comin'!!!) "Kakatte koiyo!" (Come at me!) "Iteay darou gayo!" (Hey that hurts!) "Hore, kaesuze!" (Right back at ya!) "Kutabannna!" (Go to hell!/ die!) "Keshi tobi na!" (Blow ya' to bits!) "Kiku ze!" (Ohh I felt that one!) "Shara-ku sei!" (Get ready for a ride!) "Kono amachua ga!" (You amature!) "Ippen shinnde koi!" (Try a trip to hell!) "Temey no tsura ha wasurenei zo!" (I'll never forget your ugly face!) -Chon-shu "Saa tanoshimi mashou!" (Ok let's have fun!) "Hanashi ni narimasen!" (You' aren't anything to talk about!) "Mou owari desuka!" (Finished already?) "Masaka--!" (It can't be--!) -Chon-rei "Tsumara nai!" (Boring!) "Naze omae ha yowaino da?" (Why are you so weak?) -Duck "Are you ready?" "Good morning!" "I missed you!" "Alright!" "Lovin' you yo' ! " "What-you-mean?" "You're an angel baby!" -Kim "Ikuzo!" (Let's go!) "Makasete oke!" (Leave it to me!) "Sagatte iro!" (Stand back!) "Aku wa yurusan!" (I'll never forgive evil!) "Shugyou ga tarin!" (You need training.) "Doushita doushita!" (What's up, what's up!" -Billy "I'm gonna bust you so bad!" (Sounds more to me like "I'm gonna botch you so badly") "Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!" (VS Geese, A bow to his master) "Doumo, arigatou gozaimashita" (VS Geese, Thanking his master) "Denaoshite kina!" (Try again boy!) "Want you ba-by!" "Bone in my heart!" (This one is wrong. I had a horrible time trying to guess it...) -Tung "Arigatou san!" (Thanks!) "Madamada gen-eki ja!" (I'm still still active!) -Cheng "Anata yurushimasen!" ("I won't forgive you!" against evil enemies like Krauser becuase Cheng wants their places) "Manpuku!" (I'm full!) "Harapeko desu!" (I'm hungery!/Empty! 2nd Round loss.) -Laurence "Welcome!" "Amigo!" "Ooom, it's so sweet!" "Try again?" "Die forever!" "Good night!" "Adios!" -Krauser "I'll chizzle your gravestone, sleep well!!" "They're waiting for you in hell!" "This is a showdown, Geese!" "Is this the best you can do?" "Dieeeeee!!!" "You were good, you fought well!" "Gigatec Cyclone!" (SDM) -Geese "My fists felt ???????" (Sounds like "My fists fell grading trout". I have no ida what he's saying.) "I've been waiting for you!" "Get lost, loser!" "Let's boggie doodie!" (That's what he's saying alright.) "Die, forever!" "Reppuken!" "Double Reppuken!" "Shippuken!" "Double Shippuken!" "Nice try!" "Good try!" (This may be wrong, only a guess.) "Jaei-ken!" "Raging Storm!" "Thunder Break!" "Deadly Rave!" -Richard Meyer "Let's go Bob!" -Cheng's wife "Anata, muri nasaranaide!" (Don't hurt yourself dear!) "Anata, otsukare sama!" (You were great dear!) "Anata, omedetou!" (Congratulations Dear!) "Anata, daijoubu?" (Are you alright Dear?) "Anata, iki-teruno?" (Are you alive Dear?) -Small guy "Come on Bash!" "Have a nice day---!" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Voice Actor Credits Satoshi Hashimoto- Terry Bogard, Kim Kaphwan Other works- Lawrence Blood (FF2, FFS) Keiichi Nanba- Andy Bogard Other Works- Cheng Chinzan (FF2, FFS) Nobuyuki Hiyama- Joe Higashi Other Works- ??? Atsushi Yamanishi- Billy Kane Other Works- Jubei Yamada & Big Bear (FF2, FFS) Akoya Hisogi- Mai Shiranui Other Works- ??? Harumi Ikoma- Blue Mary Other works- Yuri (AoF1), King (AoF seires, KoF series), Nakoruru (SS series), Charlotte(SS series), Mizuki (SS2/SSRPG), Sinclair(AoF3) Kong Kuwata- Duck King, Geese Howard Other Works- Genjuro Kibagami(SS series), Ninehart Seiger (SS2, SSRPG) B.J. Love- Franco Bash, Wolfgang Krauser Other works- Born in Michigan, working as actor for about 20 years. Toshiyuki Morikawa- Bob Wilson, Hon Fu Other Works- ??? Kouji Ishii- Sokaku Mochzuki, Ryuji Yamazaki Other Works- ??? Kappei Yamaguchi- Jin Chonshu & Chonrei Other Works- ??? Tomoe Morikawa- Bob Wilson, Hon-Fu Other Works- ??? Shigemoji Nakai- Tung Fue Rue, Cheng Chinzan Other Works- ??? Youno Arita- Laurence Blood Other Works- ??? ----------------------------------------------------------------- -Version Updates- 1/17/97 -Ver 0.5 created. Incomplete move list and note written. 1/19/97 -Ver 0.5 for MSWrite created. Same as Text version except arrow fonts replace the control abbreviations. 1/26/97 -Ver .75 for MSWrite and Text created. Almost complete list of moves, no combo chart, Enhanced comments added. Game Graphics and voice actor list added with face photos in MSWrite version. 2/15/97 -Ver 1.00 for MSWrite and Text created. Complete combo list added. Character storylines and some endings added. Voice charts, line system advice, hints to Geese Howards, etc added. Full list of voice actor list added. Extra graphics added in MSWrite Version. 2/19/97 -Ver 1.00 Plus created. Minor errors fixed and additions made. -Updates Scheduled- 4/??/97 -Ver 2.00 Last Update. Notes will be deleted. A perfect complete move list, pics of hidden Geese, etc to be scheduled. -Special Thanks to- SNK Co. -For making the great game itself. Tsukasa Kotobuki -Official illustrator of the Toshinden series, for the nice title illustration. -Final Note- Phew!!!!!! Thank God (if God plays RBS, or else I'll just thank myself) that I've finished making this Guidebook! If anyone tries to paginate this work, you'll find out that there's over 40 pages. Ain't that something, how many FaQs are out there with 40+ pages? Of course I'm talking about the MSWrite version which has the pics, the Text version might be a few pages less. But then again this Guidebook was made for the MSWrite version than Text. All the pics included in the MSW version gives it a nessecity to be Zipped, but I'm sure that nooone will regret checking it out. Maybe I'll embed some voices in the next version, humm. Well, I'm tired so come the next version in mid-April, that'll be the last. Unfortunately I have no Idea of how many people have read my Guidebook so far, but hope you readers enjoy it! "Perfect Player's Guide FFRB" 1996, 1997 Copyright Madman's Cafe. "Perfect Player's Guide" Copyright Henry Moriarty 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997