Art of Fighting 3 Author: DJ Tigresa and MC Pantera Email: and Our websites:,, Table of Contents -System, Glossary, Controls Movelist -Ryo Sakazaki -Robert Garcia -Rody Brits -Kasumi Todoh -Koh San Wang -Lenny Creston -Carmen Cole -Jin Fu Ha -Sinclair -Wyler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM, GLOSSARY, and CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=System=- The system has changed a little. Now its more like a Story Mode for different characters. You fight characters depending on the story then your last boss depends on who you choose too. -=Glossary=- u=Up, uf=Up-Forward, f=Forward, df=down-forward, d=down, db=down-back, b=back, ub=up-back. qcf=d,df,f qcb=d,db,b dp=f,d,df rdp=b,d,db hcf=b,db,d,df,f hcb=f,df,d,db,b bcd=b,db,d fcd=f,df,d dcu=hold down, briefly then press up bcf=hold back briefly then press forward dbcf=hold down/back briefly then press forward fcb=hold forward briefly then press back -=Controls=- A - punch B - kick C - Strong attack D - taunt hold A/B/C/D - replenish spirit energy A/B/C while thrown - recover A+C - Uppercut B+C - Low Kick Step - f,f Step back - b,b Throw - f + C Sabaki - b + C Gut Attack - df + A/B Rush Attack f + A/B ^ Super Move * Command Move + On downed opponent $ Throw -Follow up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Ryo Sakazaki+ *Step Back Sway: A+B *Fumikomu Kadan Seiken: df,df + A *Fuusatsu Keri: b + B *High Spin Kick: f,b B+C *Torage Uchi: f,f + A *Kakugyaku Sho: f,f + B *Ate Keri: B+C *Driving Kick: df + B, B *Knee Storm: df + B, c *Tsurabe Uchi: u + A while crouching $Shoulder Throw: f + C +Kime Uchi: df + A/B Ko Hou: dp + A Ko Ou Ken: qcf + A/C Hien Shippu Kyaku: db,f + B ZanRetsuKen: f,b,f + A Koh Geki: qcb + A HaohShokoKen: f,hcf + C ^Ryuuko Ranbu: f, hcf, neutral + B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Robert Garcia+ *Burning Knuckle: A+B *Back Blow: b + A *Triple Kick: b + B *Double Middle: df + B, B -Raging Kick: B *Jumping Heel: u + B $Shoulder Throw: f + C +Yankee Kick: df + A/B Ryuuga: dp + A Ryu Geki Ken: qcf + A Hien Shippu Kyaku: db,f + B Genei Kyaku: f,b,f+B Ryuu Renbuken: qcb + A Hien Ryuujin Kyaku: qcb + B in air Ryuu Zan Shou: 3 rush hits then ub/b + B HaohShokoKen: f,hcf + C ^Ryuuko Ranbu: f, hcf, neutral + B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Rody Brits+ *Rapid Rod: A+B *Slide Low Kick: db + B *Dodge Knee Kick: b + B *Over Swing: b + A $Hook Throw: f + C +Bounding Rod: df + A/B Decisive Impact: close, f,b,f + A Revolving Rod: qcf + A/C Middle Impact TT: qcf + B ^Hyper Tonfa f,b,f,b,f + C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Kasumi Todoh+ *Goshen: A+B *Tsuyu Barai: b + C, A *Shiranami: b + B *Hisou: f,f + B *SouShoDan: f,f + A -Kusangi: d + B -SouSho Yaritotsu Kyaku: b + B *Sakken On Uchi/Sassho OnKyaku: b + A $Mochi Mawashi Zen otoshi: f + C +Kanwari: df + A/B Kasane Ate: qcf + A Raiho Hoh: qcb + A ^Hell Diving: close, hcb + A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Koh-San Wang+ *Left-side Kick: B+C *Right-side Kick: b + B *Hakuhja Tojin: b + A *Ifuoh: db + B *Flying Butt Strike: A+B during jump *Backroll Jab: f,b + A+C *Head Charge: df + C -Leg Sweep: d + B *Whirlwind Rush: d + A+B -Kohboku Sho: f + A -Head Charge: f + B *Jikottsu: f,f + A $Yanagi Hou: f + C +Koh-San Strike: df + A/B Kyoretsu Jirai Shiri Kun: d,d + A Hisho Ishi Atama Kun: dp + A Muteki Ranbu Kun: hcf + B ^Kyuu Kyoku Ogi Randa Kun b,f,f + C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Lenny Creston+ *Over Swing Shot: b + A+B Over Swing Low: b + A Low Somersault: b/ub + B Bush Impact: f,f + A Chest Bump: f,f + B -Impact to Bump: A $Twine Throw: f + C +Squash Kick: df + A/B Whip Rush: f,b,f + A Flick Shot: qcf + A 4 Swish Rave: qcb + A ^Flick Break: f,hcf + C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Carmen Cole+ *Cut Straight/Cut High Kick: b + A *Standing Back Knuckle: A+B *Dodge Straight: b + A+C *Dodge High Kick: B + B+C *Knuckle: close to fallen foe, df + A *High Point Heel: b + A $Dive Drop: f + C +Under Straight: df + A/B Quick Under Straight: f,b,f + A Quick Back Knuckle: f,b,f + B Hefutigaa Shuutohsuguria: qcb,f + A Gebarutiga Fuusutoritto Fon Oopen: qcf + B ^Byurufe: hcbx2 + C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Jin Fu-Ha+ *Body Thrust: b + A *Sokutai Geki: b + B *Kaikyaku Kakato Otoshi: A+B *Head Thrust: f,f + A *Fuha-ryu Tatsumaki Keri: f,f + B *Tenchuu Raku: d,u + A on fallen foe $Tengeki Satsu: f + C +Tenshin Dan: df + A/B Ryueijun: qcf + A Shinkuu Zanbuki Toh: qcb + A Shinobi Kakure: d,b,db + B Moukoh Ryusatsu Jin: b,hcb + C ^Toshin Shoh: d,d + C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Sinclair+ *Stab: b + AB *Edge: b + A *Back Sword: b + B +Guilottine: df + A/B Vision Cutter: f,b,f + A Spinning Sword: qcb + A Dive Sword: d,u + A ^Hyper Aura Slash: f,hcf + A Sinclair has no throw ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Wyler+ *Akosu Kick: b + B $Buster Throw: f + C +Buster Hip: df + A/B Red Shoulder: f,b,f + A Black Out: qcf + A Bounc Back: d,u + A Wyker has no super =============================================================================== Credits =============================================================================== SNK - making the game Manual - movelist GKomatsu - actual move names, got permission in 1997 but abandoned the FAQ till now and releasing it for Neo Geo CD. -Copyright 1997/2002